Saturday, November 8, 2008

An Open, Rambling Letter of Congratulations and Hope

By Sally Zelikovsky San Rafael, CA Dear Friends and Family: I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations on a truly historic election. Having endured what you believe were 8 excruciating years of poverty and devastation, I know that those of you who voted for Obama must all be relieved. I have also endured the last 8 years, but my experience is notably different from yours. And I think in looking ahead to the future, we must look to the past for lessons learned and take responsibility that those lessons won’t be repeated. From the minute George Bush was elected, the Democrats began their next campaign--and it was a brilliant one--to tarnish the Republican brand. With the exception of a short blip during 9-11, when politicians and their constituents had no choice but to put politics aside, Bush met with nightly assaults in the media on everything he said and did. First, there were the periodicals and the networks; then, the nightly talk and comedy shows; then books and movies; and finally, supposed parodies like “L’il Bush.” It was an endless onslaught defaming the brand and, it’s true, you know, if you say it enough, they will believe it. Most of us have endured your parties with your relentless scathing and often unsubstantiated claims about Bush and his policies, his lies and distortions, his nefarious character and Machiavellian desires; the constant barrage of ridicule of all things Bush and all things conservative; the distortion and manipulation of incidences…all to prop up your own brand, whether wittingly or unwittingly. I say “unwittingly” because many of you fail to recognize the role you played in this daily onslaught against the President, in particular, and the havoc it wreaked on this country, in general. Many times I tried to engage you in conversation, as many of my like-minded friends have done, only to be met with scorn, ridicule, all too often ignorance and almost always the brush off. People talk a good game about robust debate, but they have shown they don’t live up to it. I’m not trying to anger you; quite the contrary. I want you to remember “your” behavior over the last 8 years and contrast it with “mine.” First, notice the congratulatory nature of the right regarding this victory; the authentic well wishing, despite the disappointment; the articulated support for all things Obama in the hopes that this man will think about his children’s future and hence will benefit the future for all of our children. And while you observe that, recall how the right was treated by the left from the moment (back to my opening salvo) Bush took office. He, we, never stood a chance. He was the original candidate outside of the beltway seeking to reach across the aisle and nearly all of his gestures were rebuffed, only to be met with a revision of events that could only occur with the complicity of the media. Second, as Obama transitions into the White House, recall again, the way the Bush team’s truncated transition was handled: from offices left in shambles, to the very juvenile prank of “w” keys missing on all the computers, to White House staff members, CIA and State Dept. employees vowing to undermine Bush and his administration at every opportunity. Contrast that with Bush’s statements and guarantees of a smooth transition; his establishment of a Transition Council to aid the Obama administration. And let’s not forget that in Bush’s attempt to govern moderately, he displayed boundless good will by leaving in powerful positions, much to his detriment as hindsight has shown, countless holdovers from Democrat Administrations, all done with the mistaken belief that good people would put partisan politics aside when it came to the defense of this country and doing what was best for it. Again, scan the annals of your memory and recall the Bush transition in the wake of Clinton and contrast that with what you are witnessing today. But most of all, I am most proud of my conservative friends and family who never gloated when Bush was elected (twice) and aren’t spewing vitriolic hatred for someone they didn’t vote for, like you all did. I recall many comments but maybe this one will jar your memory: “He’s not my President.” I may not agree with Obama on much, but, like it or not, he is my President. And, in the course of this, you closed your minds and mouths to discussion, open and robust. You had a complicit media, feeding you only the information it wanted you to have and that you wanted to hear. I’d like to think, as opposed as I am to everything Obama stands for, I will at least expose myself to the other side. Well, I know I will because I always have and frankly, you cannot live in America without being exposed to the main stream media. But it saddens me that the electorate is not exposed to a balanced media unless individuals proactively seek it, something I’ve notice few of you do. And, when some of you do take a glimpse into the alternative press, you often start asking questions and reading and pondering and you begin to see what we all see so clearly. I am always in awe of those who do; for it takes great courage to break out of one’s somnambulism. And now you seek to shut that down with the Fairness Doctrine. What are you afraid of? Our family comes from a repressive socialist regime. When children are inundated with carefully constructed programs of information at school, when their ability to speak freely is stifled, when they are given a psychological evaluation by a school because they dared to share conservative viewpoints, when the electorate is so ignorant they cannot explain the difference between socialism and democracy, when freedom to associate and speak and publish are first mocked and then stifled with the threat of legislation, when hard work and success are rewarded with punitive tax measures and wealth is randomly redistributed instead of being steered towards investment, then we are in trouble. It’s a delicate balance, a democracy. It doesn’t take much, when the winds are blowing in the same direction, to knock it off its balance and tip it towards a place we don’t really want to go. Today, all of the winds are blowing to the left and, while that isn’t in and of itself necessarily grim, the power to tip society one way or the other now lies in the hands of a Democrat President, Democrat Congress and Democrat leaning Supreme Court. I ask nothing more of my Democrat friends and family to temper your enthusiasm with caution, your call for change with reason. I do hope our fears about Obama and the power the Democrats have is unfounded. I do hope he brings continued prosperity and security to this nation (and I say continued because now that you have prevailed and the gloves are off, I think we can dispense with the charade about how bad off we all have been for the last 8 years; you did spin it brilliantly to make for a successful campaign). And I do hope all of you exercise this power responsibly. More than anything, I hope you remember to give credit to the right for its collective behavior during this transition and I ask for some intellectual honesty and historic accuracy when I beseech you to take responsibility for the lack of peace during the last transition and the downright divisiveness, even nastiness, throughout the last 8 years. Be very skeptical of a society with a biased or controlled media. Take the time to talk with a few refusniks to refresh your memories about the powerful impact a controlled media has on its population and its politics. I doubt very much that there will be a movie about Obama called “Hussein” or that there will be a ridiculous show called “L’il Obama.” Watch carefully on your TV screens for the onslaught of Obama jokes and reporters who ooze nothing but disdain and loathing for him before he even takes office. And don’t forget to check The New Yorker to see if his caricature morphs into a big eared, tiny monkey-like figure like Bush’s has. I doubt it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mark's Voter Recommendations

From Mark D. Hill, former Chairman of the Marin Republican Party and member, Executive Committee, CA GOP.
As a moderate republican – fiscal conservative, father of three, political commentator and minor player in CA GOP circles, I am often asked for my recommendations on the ever more confusing Ballot propositions. So I thought this time around I might send my thoughts on things. If you agree with most/all of these, feel free to forward to your friends as a guide. BTW - if you want my take on Marin County Initiatives/candidates, just email me and I will forward that.
Brief commentary: Our great State is BROKE and we can't afford any more bonds because bonds need to be paid back through taxes and assessments and we pay higher state taxes and fees than any other state already.
• The state of California has the highest Workers Compensation costs in the nation. Employers pay the higher premiums for these Workers Compensation costs.
• Only Michigan and Mississippi have a higher unemployment rate than California and 39 states have substantially lower rates. Employers' unemployment insurance rates are directly affected by the rate of usage of unemployment insurance.
• California has the highest marginal tax rate for personal income on the state level, maxing out at a whopping 10.3 percent. People do consider this when they have wealth and decide where to live.
• California has the highest state sales tax at 7.25 percent and among the most inclusive of all sales taxes. This adds over $2,100 to the cost of a $30,000 car before licensing fees! New Jersey is second at 7 percent. Again, if given a choice, why not live where less of the money you spend is grabbed by the state.
• California has the highest gas prices in the continental United States due to overbearing state regulations and poor decision making by government officials, including their mandating additives that actually poisoned our public water ways, then reversing course with the costs of the refining changes being passed on to the California consumer.
• California ranks 23rd in spending on public schools but this is severely under reported as it does not include school construction costs and interest on bonds which voters regularly vote in throughout the state. Bond costs are typically added onto the cost of real estate.
• Only 66 percent of California students graduate, ranking us 29th in the nation. This affects both employers looking for a skilled work force and families worried about the environment in which they raise their family.
• We are the 10th most dangerous state in the nation to live.
This is why our neighbors in Nevada and Arizona are booming(leaving us remaining with one hell of a debt to payoff). Most of their population growth is Californians fleeing a state that has largely been without effective leadership for over twenty years. Now we find ourselves in yet another budget crisis and the first words out of the mouths of our so called leaders are "revenue enhancements" which is a polite way of saying 'raise their taxes and increase their fees.' It is akin to the Queen being told, "The people have no bread," and responding, "Well then, let them eat cake." They simply have no idea of the problem and no desire to face up to that problem.
We are already the most taxed state in the nation. Many of those taxes are hidden in fees and higher costs. When gas costs 50 cents more in California because of burdensome regulation, that is a tax on consumers. When houses costs $50,000 to $100,000 more because of government fees and regulations, that is a tax on consumers. When cars costs $1,500 more because of stricter emissions standards, that too is a tax on consumers. When you include the extra costs we incur because of government regulation, our tax rates become absolutely burdensome and confiscatory. Add the extra costs of liability insurance because we seem to all be suing each other hoping to win a chance at the "good life" that perhaps we now feel is out of our reach and the problem become worse than ever.
As a Veteran, the hardest thing for me not to support was the Veteran's Bond Bill…but again, we are broke… nationally and statewide already….and we need to make hard choices. Supporting redistricting is critical so we can "throw the bums (current Congressmen, State Senators and legislatures) out"….. today our voting districts looks like a crazy jigsaw puzzle…as it should …given the politicians (Democrats and Republican incumbents) made the lines to ensure re election.
Below are MY personal recommended positions (and its just fine if you disagree with me on any of them).
Nationally: McCain for President

Monday, October 20, 2008

Better, not less oversight needed

By Mark Hill Published Marin Independent-Journal, Oct. 20

    THE BALLOT proposal by the Marin County Board of Supervisors to replace two key elected financial officials is the most brazen attempt yet by Marin's elected representatives to subvert taxpayers' interest in this county.

    Measure B would merge the county auditor and treasurer-tax collector into a single finance chief's job appointed by and accountable only to the Board of Supervisors.

    Representative democracy in this country has, for over 225 years, been built on the foundation of "by for and of the people" in order to protect citizens, and their tax dollars from an over-reaching, profligate and power-hungry government. Over the course of the last decade, the supervisors - all Democrats - have awarded pay packages, benefits and lifetime pensions to retiring municipal union members that in some cases total over $10 million per employee for that retiree's lifetime.

    These pension benefits include lifetime salaries (70 percent to 100 percent of their final salary), full medical and dental (worth $750,000 alone) and cost-of-living increases for life. It far exceed anything available to workers in the private sector.

    These egregious giveaways have saddled Marin with a conservative estimate of $1 billion in unfunded liabilities to date. That's tax dollars committed by our elected officials to the same Marin public employee unions that are their source of large campaign contributions.

    These commitments will crowd out future spending for our children, our roads, our seniors, parks and health care and the environment.

    The incredulous rationale from our supervisors is that by eliminating these two elected positions, we might save $100,000 a year.

    We should be asking, what is the financial cost of losing the accountability that keeps our elected officials honest? The supervisors have recently recused themselves from membership on the county pension board, citing an appearance of "conflict of interest." The 250,000 residents in Marin County have been burdened with this onerous debt by our supervisors, with the complicity of 2,400 current and 3,000 retired public employees. These unilateral giveaways, "negotiated" and signed by our supervisors (all of them entitled to receiving county pension benefits) will eventually need to be paid through additional property taxes, sales taxes, service fees, user fees, higher parking fines, or whatever new scheme they come up with that will pick our pockets to preserve the status quo that provides for public employees first, and leaves taxpayers to pick up the tab. By eliminating elected financial positions and creating instead appointed "toadies," the supervisors are eliminating oversight and removing any accountability. This will allow the unions to continue to hold sway over county revenues to meet their own needs. More importantly, this move puts a padlock on the auditing and treasury functions which will further remove transparency as it relates to more giveaways.

    The county already has gone out of its way not to be transparent when it comes to disclosing public employee salaries and benefits. The Marin IJ had to pressure county supervisors and fight a lawsuit filed by county managers in order to gain access to salaries paid to our public employees with taxpayer monies.

    To think this was even necessary is as startling as it is telling. Our county taxpayers, residents and children deserve better and the Marin supervisors should be made to better explain why they support less transparency and less accountability by the removal of top managers elected to provide independent oversight.

    This flawed plan, if successful, will surely keep our public employee union bosses happy with continued, unfettered, budget-busting giveaways by county supervisors, and ultimately put our county in even more financial peril.

    Mark Hill of Tiburon is former chairman of the Marin Republican Party.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obama's sleazy friends

By Frank Gaffney, Washington Times, Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2008. Not just William Ayers.

McCain Vision

Click on image to enlarge. Source: NFRW’s Republican Woman Fall 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Joe Biden Lies 14 Times During Debate...


Each time Senator Biden was on his heels, he looked directly into the camera and lied -- more than a dozen times by our count.  He lied about John McCain's record, his own record, and Barak Obama's dangerous policies.  Governor Palin showed the American people tonight why a McCain-Palin Administration will bring real reform, leadership, and straight talk to Washington." --Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008  
1. TAX VOTE: Biden said McCain voted "the exact same way" as Obama to increase taxes on Americans earning just $42,000, but McCain DID NOT VOTE THAT WAY.  
2. AHMEDINIJAD MEETING: Joe Biden lied when he said that Barack Obama never said that he would sit down unconditionally with Mahmoud Ahmedinijad of Iran. Barack Obama did say specifically, and Joe Biden attacked him for it.  
3.  OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING: Biden said, "Drill we must." But Biden has opposed offshore drilling and even compared offshore drilling to "raping" the Outer Continental Shelf."  
4.  TROOP FUNDING: Joe Biden lied when he indicated that John McCain and Barack Obama voted the same way against funding the troops in the field. John McCain opposed a bill that included a timeline, that the President of the United States had already said he would veto regardless of it's passage.  
5. OPPOSING CLEAN COAL: Biden says he's always been for clean coal, but he just told a voter that he is against clean coal and any new coal plants in America and has a record of voting against clean coal and coal in the U.S. Senate.  
6. ALERNATIVE ENERGY VOTES: According to, Biden is exaggerating and overstating John McCain's record voting for alternative energy when he says he voted against it 23 times.  
7. HEALTH INSURANCE: Biden falsely said McCain will raise taxes on people's health insurance coverage -- they get a tax credit to offset any tax hike. Independent fact checkers have confirmed this attack is false  
8. OIL TAXES: Biden falsely said Palin supported a windfall profits tax in Alaska -- she reformed the state tax and revenue system, it's not a windfall profits tax.  
9. AFGHANISTAN / GEN. MCKIERNAN COMMENTS: Biden said that top military commander in Iraq said the principles of the surge could not be applied to Afghanistan, but the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force Gen. David D. McKiernan said that there were principles of the surge strategy, including working with tribes, that could be applied in Afghanistan.  
10. REGULATION: Biden falsely said McCain weakened regulation -- he actually called for more regulation on Fannie and Freddie.  
11. IRAQ: When Joe Biden lied when he said that John McCain was "dead wrong on Iraq", because Joe Biden shared the same vote to authorize the war and differed on the surge strategy where they John McCain has been proven right.  
12. TAX INCREASES: Biden said Americans earning less than $250,000 wouldn't see higher taxes, but the Obama-Biden tax plan would raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 or more.   
13. BAILOUT: Biden said the economic rescue legislation matches the four principles that Obama laid out, but in reality it doesn't meet two of the four principles that Obama outlined on Sept. 19, which were that it include an emergency economic stimulus package, and that it be part of "part of a globally coordinated effort with our partners in the G-20."  
14. REAGAN TAX RATES: Biden is wrong in saying that under Obama, Americans won't pay any more in taxes then they did under Reagan.  
Source:  NFRW Points Forward;

Thursday, October 2, 2008

CRP Issues Recommendations on Ballot Measures

The California Republican Party on Sunday voted to take positions on important initiatives on this November’s ballot. Together with positions adopted earlier this year, we recommend the following to all California voters: Proposition 1A: High Speed Rail Bond. Oppose Proposition 2: Farm Animals. ("Condos for Chickens"). Oppose Proposition 3: Expensive hospital bond. Oppose Proposition 4: Parental notification, "Sarah’s law." Support Proposition 5: Weaken penalties for drug crimes. Oppose Proposition 6: Anti-gang measure authored by Sen. George Runner (R). Support. Proposition 7: Expensive, unproven energy scheme. Oppose Proposition 8: Protect Marriage. Support Proposition 9: Protect Crime Victims' Rights. Support Proposition 10: Expensive alternative energy bond. Oppose Proposition 11: Redistricting reform. No Position Proposition 12: Veterans Bond. Support.

The SF Examiner endorses McCain-Palin

Published 9/24/08, SF Examiner
America is at war overseas and in an economic crisis here at home. Many of her citizens believe the country is on the wrong track. It is for times such as these that men like John McCain are made, to put country first so that it can be put right in its time of need. For this reason, The Examiner endorses McCain for president and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, for vice president.

Cut through the high-toned speeches and campaign cut and thrust, and the pre-eminent issues of 2008 become strikingly clear. First, the next president must have the hard-earned experience, unrelenting toughness and uncompromising character to wage and win the war against al Qaeda and other terrorists who seek the destruction of America. Second, he must have an unshakable commitment to restoring honest taxing and spending by government at all levels, the essential first step of which is ridding Washington of pork-barrel "earmarks," the gateway drug to budget deficits and political corruption.

See for full story.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah Palin's Security Clearance

(Author unknown)

Before you dismiss the fact that Sarah Palin is Commander of the Alaska National Guard, consider this:

Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It's on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

As governor of Alaska , Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's and certainly by far exceeds Obama's.

She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.

Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska 's proximity to Russia , she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets.

She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.

Friday, September 5, 2008

2008 Republican Platform - national

The Republicans' Call to Arms
September 5, 2008by Phyllis Schlafly
We recall the words of the old popular song, "What a Difference a Day Makes; 24 Little Hours." In this political year, it was actually 38 hours, but the poetry is the same.

That's the time-spread between the locking up of the 2008 Republican Platform on Wednesday at 8 p.m. and the selection of conservative Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain's Veep choice at 10 a.m. on Friday. In just 38 hours, disheartened conservatives were transformed into enthusiastic Republicans, armed and ready to storm the pseudo Greek temple that Barack Obama erected in the mile-high city of Denver.

It's hard to exaggerate the turnaround in the attitude of grassroots Republicans; a CNN reporter expressed herself as "shocked." Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air to John McCain's campaign.

The Republican Party Platform, hammered out by a grassroots committee with representatives from every state, gives Republicans a basis on which to rebuild their party. It's a "call to arms," a platform of bold colors with no pastel shades, just as Ronald Reagan described the 1976 Platform that Delegates adopted after rejecting the Ford-Kissinger platform.

This year's Platform is a complete break from the ponderous 2004 Platform, which strung together 40,000 tiresome words. The 2008 Platform isn't about personalities; it's about principles.

The 2004 Platform had endorsed the "Free Trade Area of the Americas," a foolish notion to bring about the economic integration of the Western Hemisphere and allow cheap labor to replace American jobs. The 2008 Platform sensibly calls for "a Western Hemisphere of sovereign nations with secure borders," and the committee unanimously rejected the goal of a "North American Union" modeled on the European Union.

This year gave us a clear improvement over the previous Platform in regard to the English language. In 2004, Republicans called English "our nation's common language" and endorsed bilingual education, but the 2008 Platform supports "English as the official language in our nation" because it is "essential as a unifying cultural force" and omits mention of bilingual ed (often called language apartheid).

The 2004 Platform had lined up with the now-defeated amnesty plan of the U.S. Senate. It endorsed a "new temporary worker program" and allowing illegal aliens currently holding jobs in the U.S. "to apply for citizenship in the same manner as those who apply from outside the United States." In a clear break, the 2008 Platform calls for building the border fence, securing our ports, enforcing existing laws against "illegal workers and lawbreaking employers," requiring the use of E-Verify, deporting criminal aliens, denying federal funds to sanctuary cities, and refusing driver's licenses, in-state college tuition rates, and Social Security benefits for illegal aliens.

The 2008 Platform marks a refreshing break from the previous Platform's obsequious kowtowing to the United Nations and other international bureaucrats. The 2004 Platform had said that the United States is "committed to lasting institutions like the United Nations and the World Trade Organization."

The 2008 Platform doesn't mention the WTO and includes several paragraphs of criticism of the United Nations, citing its "scandal-ridden and corrupt management," the "disproportionate" dues we are forced to pay, and its discrimination against Israel and the Vatican.

The 2008 Platform specifically rejects the United Nations Treaty on Women and the UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child, and expresses "deep reservations" about the UN Law of the Sea Treaty.

The 2008 Platform recognizes that energy independence is vital to our national security. The Platform calls for drilling in "new oilfields" in Alaska and elsewhere, as well as developing nuclear power and clean coal.

The 2008 Platform demands that "the risk of climate change" be based on "sound science without succumbing to no-growth radicalism." The Platform also cautions against "doomsday climate change scenarios."

The plank affirming that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed," which has been part of the Republican Platform since 1984 was, of course, included again this year. The 2008 Platform becomes the most pro-life ever by endorsing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act and the ban on partial-birth abortion, both of which identify a sharp division with Barack Obama's legislative record.

Four years ago, many grassroots Republicans were offended by a Platform that called public schools "a foundation of a free, civil society" and bragged about having given us "the largest increase in federal education funding in history."

The 2008 Platform better represents Republicans by standing up for parents' rights to use vouchers, tax credits, private schools, or homeschooling, and to stop public schools from forcing students to answer personal, non-academic questionnaires without prior parental consent.

Sarah Palin and the 2008 Platform have given Republicans a new lease on life and put John McCain on the road to victory.

Read this column online.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Marin Republican Headquarters Grand Opening tonight

I just received the announcement of the Grand Opening of the Marin Republican Headquarters tonight from 5:30pm - 7:00pm.  Location is 888 4th Street, San Rafael.  I don't know if the distribution list is Central Committee members only; some Alternate CC members are not aware of the opening.  And I found nothing on the website.  For info, call 415-446-4111.  Our two candidates, State Assembly Candidate Paul Lavery (AD6), and State Senate Candidate Sashi McEntee (SD3) will be there.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 website closed. Blog still going.

Hi Friends.
I'm discontinuing my Danoodle website, but will continue this Danoodle blog. You can email me through my regular email address, which most of you have.
Thanks to all who contributed material for the website. I hope to keep this blog current...but no promises! I find there is life after politics, and I simply don't have time to devote to the website. Blogging is so much easier!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good News - for a change

Time to revisit some Positive News! Should have been on Front Page of WSJ, not on page W11. Clear-Eyed Optimists By STEPHEN MOORE, October 5, 2007; Wall Street Journal, Page W11. I'm old enough to recall the days in the late 1960s when people wore those trendy buttons that read: "Stop the Planet I Want to Get Off." And I will never forget that era's "educational" films of what life would be like in the year 2000. Played on clanky 16-millimeter projectors, they showed images of people walking down the streets of Manhattan with masks on, so they could avoid breathing the poison gases our industrial society was spewing. The future seemed mighty bleak back then, and you merely had to open the newspapers for the latest story confirming how the human species was speeding down a congested highway to extinction. A group of scientists calling themselves the Club of Rome issued a report called "Limits to Growth." It explained that lifeboat Earth had become so weighed down with humans that we were running out of food, minerals, forests, water, energy and just about everything else that we need for survival. Paul Ehrlich's best-selling book "The Population Bomb" (1968) gave England a 50-50 chance of surviving into the 21st century. In 1980, Jimmy Carter released the "Global 2000 Report," which declared that life on Earth was getting worse in every measurable way. So imagine how shocked I was to learn, officially, that we're not doomed after all. A new United Nations report called "State of the Future" concludes: "People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, more connected, and they are living longer. "Yes, of course, there was the obligatory bad news: Global warming is said to be getting worse and income disparities are widening. But the joyous trends in health and wealth documented in the report indicate a gigantic leap forward for humanity. This is probably the first time you've heard any of this because -- while the grim "Global 2000" and "Limits to Growth" reports were deemed worthy of headlines across the country -- the media mostly ignored the good news and the upbeat predictions of "State of the Future." But here they are: World-wide illiteracy rates have fallen by half since 1970 and now stand at an all-time low of 18%. More people live in free countries than ever before. The average human being today will live 50% longer in 2025 than one born in 1955. To what do we owe this improvement? Capitalism, according to the U.N. Free trade is rightly recognized as the engine of global prosperity in recent years. In 1981, 40% of the world's population lived on less than $1 a day. Now that percentage is only 25%, adjusted for inflation. And at current rates of growth, "world poverty will be cut in half between 2000 and 2015" -- which is arguably one of the greatest triumphs in human history. Trade and technology are closing the global "digital divide," and the report notes hopefully that soon laptop computers will cost $100 and almost every schoolchild will be a mouse click away from the Internet (and, regrettably, those interminable computer games). It also turns out that the Malthusians (who worried that we would overpopulate the planet) got the story wrong. Human beings aren't reproducing like Norwegian field mice. Demographers now say that in the second half of this century, the human population will stabilize and then fall. If we use the same absurd extrapolation techniques demographers used in the 1970s, Japan, with its current low birth rate, will have only a few thousand citizens left in 300 years. I take special pleasure in reciting all of this global betterment because my first professional job was working with the "doom-slaying" economist Julian Simon. Starting 30 years ago, Simon (who died in 1998) told anyone who would listen -- which wasn't many people -- that the faddish declinism of that era was bunk. He called the "Global 2000" report "globaloney." Armed with an arsenal of factual missiles, he showed that life on Earth was getting better, and that the combination of free markets and human ingenuity was the recipe for solving environmental and economic problems. Mr. Ehrlich, in response, said Simon proved that the one thing the world isn't running out of "is lunatics."Mr. Ehrlich, whose every prediction turned out wrong, won a MacArthur Foundation "genius award"; Simon, who got the story right, never won so much as a McDonald's hamburger. But now who looks like the lunatic? This latest survey of the planet is certainly sweet vindication of Simon and others, like Herman Kahn, who in the 1970s dared challenge the "settled science." (Are you listening, global-warming alarmists?) The media's collective yawn over "State of the Future" is typical of the reaction to just about any good news. When 2006 was declared the hottest year on record, there were thousands of news stories. But last month's revised data, indicating that 1934 was actually warmer, barely warranted a paragraph-long correction in most papers.So I'm happy to report that the world's six billion people are living longer, healthier and more comfortably than ever before. If only it were easy to fit that on a button. Mr. Moore is a member of The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board.

Fav Quotes

Time to revisit Danoodle's favorite quotes.
John Stumpf, President & CEO, Wells Fargo Bank.
Re sub-prime meltdown: ...Stumpf said he didn't even know about some of the exotic mortgage investments that enticed other banks until he read about them in the newspaper."It's interesting that the industry has invented new ways to lose money when the old ways seemed to work just fine."
Marin IJ, Friday, Nov. 16, 2007, C10. "Wells Fargo CEO: Grim outlook for housing" by Michael Liedtke, Associated Press.
Michael O'Leary, CEO, Ryanair.
"This is the problem with all this environmental claptrap . . . it's a convenient excuse for politicians to just start taxing people. Some of these guilt-laden, middle-class liberals think it's somehow good: 'Oh, that's my contribution to the environment.' It's not. You're just being robbed--it's just highway [bleeping] robbery." Michael O'Leary, chief executive of Irish low-fare air carrier Ryanair; 9/15/07.
The UK's Guardian newspaper wrote in June 2005 about Michael O'Leary: "I don't give a shite if nobody likes me," he told one interviewer, stressing that he was a businessman through and through. "I am not a cloud bunny, I am not an aerosexual. I don't like aeroplanes. I never wanted to be a pilot like those other platoons of goons who populate the air industry."Casual abuse is O'Leary's stock in trade. He has described the European commission as "morons", the airport operator BAA as "overcharging rapists". Britain's air traffic control service is "poxy", British Airways are "expensive bastards" and travel agents are "f-----s" who should be "taken out and shot".
Alan Greenspan.
"Republicans in Congress swapped principle for power. They ended up with neither. They deserved to lose." Alan Greenspan's book, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World. 9/15/07.
Julia Roberts.
"Republican - found in the dictionary between reptile and repugnant." What actress Julia Roberts said a few years back in an interview. Isn't Julia between vile and vulgar?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Danoodle seeing Broadway, at half-price

Okay, this is the "See Broadway shows" trip. Forget politics. See as many shows as possible.

Of the 18 shows I've seen, most have been half-price via the TKTS booth behind the Marriott Hotel on Broadway. As of now, there are still lots of available tickets for everything except "South Pacific."

I dragged a visiting friend to "Top Girls" last night - one of the WORST shows ever! Even my half-price ticket, $55, was too much to spend for this stinker. Theatre was only half-full. our seatmates left during the 1st intermission (yes, there were 2, count 'em, 2! intermissions). We bravely endured the endless feminist claptrap, thinking "it might get better." NOT.

Favs so far are "Gypsy" (Patti Lupone), and "Xanadu" (Cheyenne Jackson, best eye-candy on Broadway).

Friday, May 23, 2008

Props 98 and 99 - vote June 3rd

Thanks to Nan Paget, who emailed info below on April 30:

Subject: Two important competing propositions on June 3 ballot

Dear Republican friends, Sample ballots are here for the June 3rd ballot. Some of us will be voting soon by absentee. If you have been undecided re competing Propositions 98 and 99 (wording below), remember that the major difference is that 98 is being strongly promoted by the Prop 13 people, it is stronger and eliminates rent control, but may be more likely to be challenged in the courts.

If 99 receives more votes, 98 will not go into effect. So if you want 98, it seems it would be better to vote No on 99, and let the chips fall where they may as to court challenges.

Proposition 98

1248. Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property.
Constitutional Amendment.
Proponents: Doug Mosebar, Jon Coupal and Jim Nielsen (916) 444-9950

Bars state and local governments from condemning or damaging private property for private uses. Prohibits rent control and similar measures. Prohibits deference to government in property rights cases.

Defines "just compensation." Requires an award of attorneys fees and costs if a property owner obtains a judgment for more than the amount offered by the government. Requires government to offer to original owner of condemned property the right to repurchase property at condemned price when property is put to substantially different use than was publicly stated. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Increased costs to many governments due to the measure's restrictions. The fiscal effect on most governments probably would not be significant. (Initiative 07-0015.) (Full Text)

Proposition 99

1251. Eminent Domain. Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence.
Constitutional Amendment.
Proponents: Christopher K. McKenzie, Susan Smartt and Kenneth Willis c/o Steve Lucas (415) 389-6800

Bars state and local governments from using eminent domain to acquire an owner-occupied residence, as defined, for conveyance to a private person or business entity. Creates exceptions for public work or improvement, public health and safety protection, and crime prevention. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: The measure would likely not have a significant fiscal impact on state or local governments. (Initiative 07-0018.) (Full Text)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Danoodle still on vacation

I'm monitoring Politics here in Washington, DC, and there is plenty to monitor! Walked past the White House and waved to George and Laura (God bless 'em). Will post some relevant Op Eds and articles that I found in Washington Times when time permits.

Friday, April 25, 2008

SF Repubs host Dr. Vicki Murray May 7. Free event.

SF Republican Party's Monthly After Meeting Speaker Series features Guest Speaker Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D, Senior Policy Fellow, Education Studies, Pacific Research Institute, May 7, 2008, immediately following their 6:30 pm business meeting at SF's Hiram Johnson State Office Building, 455 Golden Gate Ave., Lower Level. NO CHARGE EVENT. Vicki E. Murray is Senior Policy Fellow, Education Studies, at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRI). Dr. Murray’s research focuses on education reform measures to improve academic accountability at all levels, promote a competitive education climate, and increase parents’ control over their children’s education. Her research areas include district and charter school choice, early education, education tax credits and savings accounts, English Language Learners, special education, standards and testing, teacher pay and quality, vouchers, higher education reform, and education finance, both K-12 and postsecondary. Dr. Murray is the former director of the Goldwater Institute Center for Educational Opportunity in Phoenix, Arizona, and the author of more than a dozen education policy studies. She has advised the U.S. Department of Education on public school choice and higher education reform. She has also advised education policy makers in nearly 30 states, provided expert testimony before state legislative education committees, and served on two national accountability task forces. Dr. Murray’s research helped advance four parental choice voucher and tax-credit scholarship programs in Arizona in 2006, and she provided expert affidavits as part of the successful legal defense of choice programs for low-income, foster-care, and disabled children. Dr. Murray’s research and writings on market education policy have been widely published and cited in state and national media and research outlets, as well as outlets in Canada, Great Britain, Mexico, and New Zealand. Prior to her career in education policy, Dr. Murray taught college-level courses in American politics, English composition and rhetoric, and early British literature. She has lectured at universities nationwide, including the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, and she has presented her academic research at annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, the Southwest Social Science Association, the Northeast, New England, and Midwest Political Science Associations. Dr. Murray received her Ph.D. in politics from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas, where she was an Earhart Foundation Fellow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Danoodle on vacation

Still in NYC. Weather great (for NYC). New Yorkers are friendly, upbeat, helpful! All of the Broadway shows (and I mean all except South Pacific) is at the TKT booth half-price. Wonder if that means tourism is down. Quite a few Brits here. Having Fun. No politics except New Yorkers escaped the Congestion Charge that Mayor Bloomberg, et al, wanted to enact. Go New Yorkers!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mark Hill: Marin faces financial tsunami

THE NEAR-bankruptcy of Vallejo, Marin's neighbor, reads like the script of a teen horror movie.

Greed, stupidity and lack of adult supervision means even the slowest-moving zombie (or slow-developing financial crisis) can inflict a lethal blow....
"Today, governments in Marin have more than $1 billion in unfunded liabilities - a time bomb like the Social Security Trust Fund with its enormous obligations to future generations and an inadequate funding structure. Recently, a number of early retiring public union members have literally hit the "lottery jackpot," receiving the equivalent of a $10-plus million lifetime payout over the next 25 years from Marin taxpayers. Upon retiring in their early to mid-50s to collect their accrued pension and health-care benefits, these ex-county employees are free to pursue new careers or employment, adding thousands more to their already guaranteed incomes.

"As the rolls of these retired public employees grow, the costs will escalate and quickly swamp the budget, resulting in funding reductions ahead for our roads, wastewater plants, flood systems, seniors, the environment and recreation and libraries for our youth..."

See Mark's Marin IJ Opinion piece posted 3/25/08.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New American Legion Post 911 started in SF; Event May 9

Republican Friends:

Yesterday I met with Captain Michael Gerold, U.S. Army Special Forces who has recently returned from Afghanistan. (with a Purple Heart ) He's undergoing physical therapy and doing great) Mike is now a ROTC instructor and an MBA student at USF. Capt. Mike is also the founder of the new American Legion Post 911 here in San Francisco It is dedicated to helping our young GI s returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Membership in Post 911 is growing rapidly. Post 911 is dedicated to assisting GIs returning from the Middle-East with: 1) educational benefits under the GI Bill, 2) career coaching, resume writing and job placement 3) matching medical care support programs. Additionally, the Post sponsors Boy/Girl Scout programs and ROTC events t we sure need help with our High School ROTC in San Francisco). IMPORTANT: American Legion Post 911 is sponsoring a "California American Heroes AwardsCeremony"on Friday, May 9, 2008 from 6 to 8 PM at the War Memorial Veterans Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. There is no charge and I hope you can attend. These men and women are our new greatest generation They deserve our support Lets welcome them and help them build Post 911 right here in SAN FRANCISCO to stand proudly like our esteemed American Legion CATHAY POST American Legion Post 911 is less than 6 months old. They need funds to get started I am sending my personal check tomorrow. Please help them any amount will be greatly appreciated. Please send your check to: Captain Michael Gerold,American Legion Post 911, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. I Thank You.

Mike DeNunzio

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Golden Goose is dying

Mark Hill, Danoodle's Pension Go-To Guy, forwarded this link to me, with his comment:

And the goose is killed by union greed - a travesty; Marin is next.

Recall my “the unions will kill the goose” op ed piece three years ago in the IJ….and here we are. The virus is already here in Marin..its called public union employee bullying and, sadly, its probably too late now to do anything about it.

From SF Chronicle, March 10:

..."Vallejo has been hogtied by its police and fire unions," Moore, a local businessman, said later. "The unions are killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Do I need to bring a dead goose to next week's meeting? I hope not."...

Yes, Mark, I do recall your Golden Goose article, and I'm refreshing everyone's memory:

Killing the Golden Goose
By Mark D. Hill, VP, Marin Republican Party
Published Monday, Aug. 16, 2004, MarinScope papers.

Our public employees and the unions that represent them face a compelling case for restructuring. Public employee unions have had so much success in taking care of their members that they are now risking killing the goose that lays the golden egg because their excesses threaten the fiscal solvency of the very public they serve.

For example, in our own Marin County, our Fire Chief oversees a modest 85 firefighters and has responsibility for fire prevention throughout the County. He earns over $200,000 a year in salary and benefits. Many taxpayers are astounded that a "public servant" can receive this type of compensation. The truth is that, their public employees union negotiated these and many other huge contracts. Worse, the compensation is only one component of the largess, which has been largely kept quiet by the politicians who have conveyed them and the union leaders who have negotiated them.

Becoming an officer in the US military is an incredible achievement. A Brigade Commander in the US Army, a Colonel, who oversees approximately 5000 men and assets, including tanks, infantry, and artillery, worth billions of dollars and can be shipped to war overseas at a moment's notice, makes a grand total of $92,000 a year. . His active duty benefits would include some small kickers like combat pay and a housing allowance should there be a war or special duty assignments But, he is a soldier. He can't be home with his family weeks or months at a time during deployment and field exercises; forcing real hardship on this "public servant" and his family which they endure on our behalf. If we compare his pay to what we compensate our County Fire Chief, the differences raise some serious questions.

Yet, the Fire Chief's $200,000 plus compensation are only part of the story. In Marin County, our retiring Fire Chief (or any other position deemed "hazardous") after working 25 years, will receive over 75% of his final salary annually for the rest of his life (today, would be about $150,000 to $175,000 annually plus cost of living increases). And, if he stays on for another few years, the compensation could be up to 100% of the compensation he received at retirement ....for life!! Compare that to our Colonel, who, after twenty five years of service, will receive $60,000 a year with annual cost of living increases.

Firefighters are indeed heroes. However, once one lifts the cover of the bureaucratic semantics, and sees the incredible generosity that our elected leaders have bestowed upon these servants, the glow of righteousness pales. Indeed, today, we see on a daily basis, our valiant military heroes in Iraq paying the ultimate sacrifice on America's behalf. Yet, an enlisted soldier in the military in fire suppression with four years of service makes about $20,000 per year, a Marin County fire engineer ,makes $104,647 in total compensation.

The system that allows this in Marin County is flawed. Why? Because the Public Employee Unions are one of the most active influencing bodies on our public leaders in California. They vote. They faithfully volunteer for campaigns and write big checks with union dues (paid for by taxpayers) and as individuals to their candidates, almost all with a narrow and manipulative view of their own self interest.

For Democratic candidates, the endorsement of Public Employee Unions, particularly in Marin County where all the Supervisors are Democrats, is one of the most coveted, for it means, with certainty, a huge advantage against political opponents. The promise a politician makes to the firefighters and other public service unions, is their "understanding" (aka: "vote") on compensation and retirement issues. The net effect of this dance is that these Public Employees are literally choosing and hiring their own bosses who, once elected, give the Public Employee Unions what they ask for at great financial peril to our County.

Today, the fiscal pressures on our schools and transportation network is overwhelming, yet, the County is paying over 10% of their $192 million budget , $21 million, on employees who aren't there (they are "retired"). Further, the County is preparing taxpayers for the bad news that two-thirds of our current County employee workforce, will be retiring in less than five years further straining our ability to fund for current needs. The Marin County Supervisors just passed a measure to allow some public employees to retire EARLIER so that their lifetime IOUs will kick in sooner (at a lower annual payout) so that these public servants "can move on to other careers".

The end result for Marin County is a fiscal time bomb set to go off in four or five years. At that time, we will need to figure out how to pay for these expensive and lifetime IOUs while trying to hire more even more expensive "public servants" to replace the very ones we just gave early retirement . Sadly, most, if not all of our Supervisors will have departed their positions by then, so accountability will be non existent. Which makes "gaming the system" by the unions possible.

These giveaways are bankrupting this State and will, with certainty, impact the County at the expense of our schools, transportation needs and environment. Taxpayers need to look for leadership capable and willing to restructure this mess or, these one sided giveaways will result in the Public Employees Unions killing the Golden Goose.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Virginia Fuller runs for Congress, CD 7

I am Virginia Fuller. I am an immigrant, and I have resided in California for 30 years. I am a divorced mother of two; both college graduates. I was trained in The Netherlands, Europe, as a registered nurse.

Having experienced the unequal and limited access to long term nursing care for poor children, in 1989 I established and operated two pediatric care facilities. One was a 24-hour, Emergency Home for abused and neglected children, located in Oakland and the other was an Intermediate Care Facility, licensed by The State Health Dept., in Richmond.

I decided to run because Mr. Miller has demonstrated over 33 long years that he is out of step with the needs of a significant portion of his constituency and that many of his neglectful policies are disastrous to our communities.

I’m a proud, Reagan style conservative and am running for Congress in the 7th District as a citizen politician.

California's 7th congressional district covers half of Contra Costa County, Solano County and a tiny portion of Napa County. Major cities in the district include Richmond, Pittsburg, Vallejo, Vacaville and portions of Concord. It is currently represented by Democrat George Miller.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

CANCELLED - SF GOP Lincoln Day Dinner March 20

Updated 3/8/08: SF's Lincoln Dinner has been cancelled due to upcoming McCain fundraiser. The SF Republican Party is holding its annual Lincoln Day Dinner on March 20, 6:00pm, at CA Culinary Academy. The Guest Speaker is nationally respected pollster & strategist Stephen M. Kinney, "Presidential Politics 101 & Election 2008." Invitation is at

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

CA Repub Assembly's 2007 Scorecard

The Assembly Members receiving perfect scores were Assemblyman Joel Anderson, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Assemblyman Mike Duvall and Assemblywoman Mimi Walters. In the Senate, Senator Jim Battin, Senator Dave Cogdill, Senator Dennis Hollingsworth and Senator Tom McClintock received perfect ratings.

Newt Gingrich Praises New Platform

From CRP Chairman Ron Nehring's 3/5/08 e-update: "...Newt Gingrich, the leader of the 1994 Republican revolution and former Speaker of the House, this week praised the California Republican Party for adopting a platform based on Republican principles and issues with proven "tri-partisan" appeal."...

Phyllis Schlafly speaks in Rohnert Park March 29

Eagle Forum of CA is presenting its' 7th Annual Education Conference on Saturday, March 29, in Rohnert Park. In addition to Phyllis Schlafly, other Guest Speakers include Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., Dr. Stanley Monteith, M.D. and others. See Eagle Forum of California website for more info, or call 707-539-8393.

Victory for Taxpayers!

Court sides with our right to know. "It isn't for government officials to decide what information to dole out to the public. The government works for the people, not the other way around. But in recent years, more and more governments and agencies in California have been refusing to release specific payroll information." ... Marin IJ Wed. 3/5/08. County payroll is public record. "The Marin Civic Center Payroll is public record and must be available to the public..." Marin IJ Tues. 3/4/08. Danoodle wants to know: Do we taxpayers have a right to know about public salaries? (as well as Pension info) ..."The Marin County Board of Supervisors in March 2006 approved the release of the county workers salaries to settle a lawsuit the newspaper filed after the county refused to divulge the information. But the union sued, and convinced Marin Superior Court Judge Michael Dufficy to block the disclosures. "Dufficy declared that a public employee's right of privacy was more important than the public's right to know. Marin Superior Court Judge Thomas Keating and the state appeals court had concluded just the opposite when the Marin Independent Journal sued the North Marin Water District to obtain public payroll records in the 1970s..." Marin IJ Thur. 2/21/08

National Healthcare

THE 47 MILLION UNINSURED AMERICANS by Mike DeNunzio, October 25, 2007, ...“The U.S. health insurance system is ailing, it is not dying: 250 million of 300 million Americans have health insurance from their employers or private policies and Medicare, the VA and Medicaid cover seniors, veterans and the poor. The State Children’s Health Insurance (S-CHIP) insures 6.6 million poor children. Congress and the President must re authorize this important program for poor children. It is not intended for adults to age 25 in households with incomes as high as $81,000. “Many Americans want health care in the U.S. to be an entitlement for everyone as in Canada, England and the European Union. Officials in these countries readily admit that the poor, the elderly, minorities and rural residents do not receive timely diagnosis or treatment. The reasons are: Limited access to specialists, insufficient MRI and CT Scans, lack of latest drugs and insufficient beds.”… More HillaryCare -- The Preview By SALLY C. PIPESOctober 12, 2007; Page A17. Wall Street Journal "President Bill Clinton famously declared that the era of big government is over -- after the ill-considered scheme to remake American health care his wife helped to cook up in 1993 helped Republicans retake Congress in 1994. Now Hillary Clinton is back, touting an "American Health Choices Plan." Like the earlier fiasco, Sen. Clinton's current scheme would explode government spending -- the plan's initial price tag is $110 billion -- expand bureaucratic regulation, and threaten the health and financial security of millions of Americans." ... ArnoldCare Makes Things Worse by John Fleischman, FlashReport, 10/10/07...."Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced a health care plan that would represent a radical and extreme shift in California, moving us significantly down the path towards a government-run healthcare system." ... Our Crazy Health Insurance System by John Stossel,, Sept. 25, 2007. "In the end, we all pay more because no one seems to pay anything. It's why health insurance is not a good idea for anything but serious illnesses and accidents that could bankrupt you. For the rest, we should pay out of our savings."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Novato ROTC fate decided March 4.

From Susan Miller, Novato Club. YOUR HELP NEEDED:

THE NOVATO SCHOOL BOARD IS DELIBERATING the fate of the Air Force Jr. ROTC program at Novato High School. They need to hear from YOU by Tuesday, March 4. They will be voting that night.

Please send an e-mail message to each of the school board members, telling them you appreciate the program at NHS and do not want it to be cut from the budget. Even if you already sent one, change the message and send it again. If each of you asks one friend to also send a message, it would have a tremendous impact. At the end of every budget workshop and meeting they have had, the school board president always asks for us to continue with our ideas and input. So let's keep it up!

If you do not live in Novato, be reminded that the program is open to any student in the county! Go ahead and voice your opinion.

Below is information about the program to help you compose your message.

GO TO: . Thanks for your help.


Novato High School Air Force Junior ROTC

This AFJROTC program was chartered in 1966 and is the oldest and longest running in California. The mission of the JROTC is NOT to build soldiers, sailors or airmen, but to work to build better students, better leaders and better citizens for our community and our nation. They accomplish this mission through the teaching of leadership related academics, personal responsibility and integrity, community involvement, strategic study skills and hands-on leadership. In the current political environment, it is important for the community to know what the JROTC is and is NOT. Many kids who may not be artists, musicians or athletes, or who have other risks affecting their scholastic success, find this program to be an elective class which helps them learn extremely important life skills and inspires them toward high expectations, provides needed tutoring or mentoring and prepares them for the rigors of college.

JROTC does NOT recruit for the military

What ROTC does provide
Full elective credit class to fulfill elective requirement

Normal day classes and after school classes available

Open to all high schools in the county

Tutoring in all subjects

Computers available and a place to study
Learn aviation history, flight science, space science, survival skills
Take part for one semester or all four years
Opportunities for scholastic competition

Life skills:

Responsibility training

Social growth through team interaction
Leadership development – cadets run the program

College and after high school preparation:
Over 90 % of the cadets go to the college of their choice
Scholarship money with no strings attached
Percentage of ROTC students who enter the military from high school is

not higher than the percentage from the general school population

Annual fun activities and events create lifelong friendships
Airplane rides each year at Gnoss Field
Build and launch Estes rockets
C-130 cargo plane ride with the Coast Guard
Formal Ball at Embassy Suites
Softball, basketball, soccer, chess tournaments and drill competitions
Extensive community service opportunities

Different field trips each semester

For more information, contact Lt.Col. Yamaguchi, 898-1180