Saturday, January 30, 2010


RESULT of "ONE PARTY" COMPASSION Mike DeNunzio Unemployment in San Francisco nears ten percent; yet City Supervisors refuse to schedule a hearing on tax incentives to stimulate jobs, but they will discuss a ban on feeding ducks in city parks. These people did not “seize power;” they were elected by voters of the ONE PARTY that has controlled public policy in San Francisco since 1964. Members of this ONE PARTY exalt “San Francisco values,” and congratulate their compassion for the needy-(incessantly) In January the progressive “SF WEEKLY” published a 4,700 word indictment of what their personal liberal guilt has done to the City and suggested they take personal responsibility for what they have done: "San Francisco is...arguably the worst-run big city in America. I never heard anyone say: If only [our city] could be run like San Francisco. Other liberal (cities) wouldn't put up with the dysfunction in San Francisco; says urbanologist, Joel Kotkin." (SF WEEKLY, Jan. 14, 2010, Benjamin Wachs, Joe Eskenaz.) In San Francisco the voters of this ONE PARTY have readily "put up" with serial mismanagement, deficits, debt, and repeatedly elected candidates who support policies that border on criminality: Sanctuary policies that led to murder; social policies that foster homeless, and crime, and failed transit policies. Fiscal policies with a $6.6 billion budget, 27,801 employee-- 8,000 paid $100,000 plus benefits. The voters of this ONE PARTY are solely responsible for a staggering $4 billion unfunded liability for retirement benefits that deprives services for needy children, the aged and disabled. Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results." In San Francisco the voters of this ONE PARTY continues to prove Einstein is right -liberalism is a mental disorder.