Dear Barbara,
Thank you for being such an important part of our Republican Party in California.
The CRP charges into the heart of liberal country this weekend with our state convention in San Francisco. With elections, a platform to adopt, and a long list of featured speakers, we hope you're planning to join us and be a part of it.
As a CRP member, here is your preview of what you can expect this weekend.
Platform. The CRP will adopt a new, four year platform at Sunday morning's general session. Several proposed drafts have been circulated. The Platform Committee is expected to adopt one as an initial draft, then send it to the floor, possibly after revisions. As Chairman, I'm committed to an open platform development process and will work to ensure we get to a final product for your consideration Sunday morning.
Elections. Nominations for National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, Secretary and Treasurer will take place on Saturday afternoon, with the election itself on Sunday morning. To my knowledge only the National Committeeman office is contested. I anticipate this campaign will contribute to increasing the CRP's carbon footprint through a flood of flyers and other printed materials.
Initiatives. The CRP may take positions on important initiatives slated for the June and November ballots. Liberals are pushing a long list of initiatives for the November election, including measures to increase prisoners' rights, abolish "three strikes," raise taxes, and other bright ideas.
Comprehensive workshops. To provide you with the ammunition you need to advance Republican ideas in your county, we're providing workshops on political technology and issues. "How to" workshops include communications, talk radio, and fundraising. Issues workshops include development and land use issues, dealing with organized labor, transportation, healthcare and improving schools. Workshop list
Steve Poizner. We're pleased to have our elected Insurance Commissioner as our featured speaker on Friday night. Steve is a real leader committed to building our party and advancing Republican ideas. He most recently chaired the successful "no on 93" campaign, turning back the Democrats' attempt to extend term limits. Visit Steve's website
David Horowitz. Saturday's lunch speaker is a vocal advocate for individual liberty and freedom. His "David Horowitz Freedom Center" implements a long list of ambitious programs aimed at fighting terrorism, promoting academic freedom and exposing the Left.
Congressmen Buck McKeon, Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy. These three outstanding members of California's Republican congressional delegation will highlight Saturday night's dinner. We have a great opportunity to pick up at least one congressional seat in California this year, making it harder for Nancy Pelosi to remain in that Speaker's chair.
John Fund. The Wall Street Journal's John Fund is a nationally recognized author, columnist and commentator. His most recent book, Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, is a must-read for anyone concerned about preserving ballot integrity. John speaks at the Friday Executive Committee lunch.
Morton Blackwell. The President of Leadership Institute joins us at our Executive Committee lunch for insight on the presidential campaign, and building a strong political party for the longer term. Morton also serves as the Republican National Committeeman from Virginia. I attended my first Leadership Institute school in 1989, and it's an honor to serve on the Republican National Committee now with Morton, who has been helping to train young conservative leaders for decades.
Bill Leonard. Headling our Sunday morning Prayer Breakfast is Bill Leonard, a tenacious advocate for conservative ideas and a strong defender of taxpyers on the state Board of Equalization.
The California Republican Party is moving ahead with the support of thousands of California Republicans. Thank you for all that you do in support of our party.
Ron Nehring
CHAIRMAN, California Republican Party