Dana Walsh is running for Congress (R) SF CD 8.
Incumbent is Nancy Pelosi-D. Contact her Campaign Manager: Michael DeNunzio, (415) 749-1942.
October 24, 2007. Dana Walsh, SF, is running against Nancy Pelosi (D) for Congress, CD 8.
In a city where Republicans are outnumbered (40,000 Republicans; 200,000 Democrats), Dana is certainly Danoodle's Woman of the Year. Kudos to her for taking time out of her life to get out the Republican message! She is starting early, and is energetically elucidating her platform of Low Taxes, Winning the War on Terrorism, Less Government, and Stopping Illegal Immigration.
Did you know:
-Nancy Pelosi has never held a job other than bureaucrat?
-SF is the fifth largest media market in the U.S.?
-Not only is Dana running against Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, but also Cindy Sheehan, Independent?
-Dana has run her own business in SF for 25 years?
-So far, Dana is unopposed for the Republican nomination in SF?
-The Statewide Direct Primary Election is held June 3, 2008?
-The Presidential General Election is held November 4, 2008?
Pls help Dana get out her (and our) Republican message by contributing today to her campaign. Send your check to:
Candidate for House of Representatives. CD 8, San Francisco
1592 Union street, #52
San Francisco, Ca. 94123
(FEC #C00436154)
Dana can be reached at:Tel: 415 -749-1942.
Also, Dana will be accepting contributions via her website beginning next week.