Wednesday, March 5, 2008

National Healthcare

THE 47 MILLION UNINSURED AMERICANS by Mike DeNunzio, October 25, 2007, ...“The U.S. health insurance system is ailing, it is not dying: 250 million of 300 million Americans have health insurance from their employers or private policies and Medicare, the VA and Medicaid cover seniors, veterans and the poor. The State Children’s Health Insurance (S-CHIP) insures 6.6 million poor children. Congress and the President must re authorize this important program for poor children. It is not intended for adults to age 25 in households with incomes as high as $81,000. “Many Americans want health care in the U.S. to be an entitlement for everyone as in Canada, England and the European Union. Officials in these countries readily admit that the poor, the elderly, minorities and rural residents do not receive timely diagnosis or treatment. The reasons are: Limited access to specialists, insufficient MRI and CT Scans, lack of latest drugs and insufficient beds.”… More HillaryCare -- The Preview By SALLY C. PIPESOctober 12, 2007; Page A17. Wall Street Journal "President Bill Clinton famously declared that the era of big government is over -- after the ill-considered scheme to remake American health care his wife helped to cook up in 1993 helped Republicans retake Congress in 1994. Now Hillary Clinton is back, touting an "American Health Choices Plan." Like the earlier fiasco, Sen. Clinton's current scheme would explode government spending -- the plan's initial price tag is $110 billion -- expand bureaucratic regulation, and threaten the health and financial security of millions of Americans." ... ArnoldCare Makes Things Worse by John Fleischman, FlashReport, 10/10/07...."Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced a health care plan that would represent a radical and extreme shift in California, moving us significantly down the path towards a government-run healthcare system." ... Our Crazy Health Insurance System by John Stossel,, Sept. 25, 2007. "In the end, we all pay more because no one seems to pay anything. It's why health insurance is not a good idea for anything but serious illnesses and accidents that could bankrupt you. For the rest, we should pay out of our savings."