Thursday, December 24, 2009
Mike DeNunzio, Chairman S.F Republican Assembly
“Whether to save one 20 year old who might live 60 years, or three 70 year olds who could live 10 years is unclear. We recommend the "Complete Lives System" that prioritizes younger people. Reform must redefine doctor’s ethical obligations for the greater good.‘
This ominous prognosis for America’s seniors was co written by the distinguished bio-ethicist, Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD in the British Medical Journal, January. 2009. Doctor Emanuel is Special Advisor for Health Policy to the Office of Management and Budget--his brother is Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s Chief of Staff. Ezekiel Emanuel supports “the 2009 Health Choices Act" (HR3200 it includes: Advance Planning Consultation for End of Life Services; and a “Center for Comparative Effectiveness” to base treatment on cost and patient age. (Section (Sect.1401) Seniors are greatly troubled by HR3200 –Republicans, independents and Democrats.
“Why are we making bad decisions for the sake of passing something on a self imposed deadline. I don’t know why our Senators -Feinstein and Boxer allowed it to happen.” Willie Brown, former Mayor of San Francisco asked this question in his column in the S.F. Chronicle, Dec. 27, 2009. Most seniors agree with “Da Mayor: Senior’s don’t buy from people in a hurry to sell something they won't buy for themselves. Americas seniors do not want their intelligence insulted: They question why Congress exempts itself and 2.4 million federal employees from HR3200. They also ask why a reform to reduce health costs excludes mal practice lawsuits that increase costs $200 million a year; and why health care leaders endorse a bill they never read. HR3200 will take over one sixth of the US economy and affect 300 million Americans from womb to tomb,
America’s forty million seniors age 65 and over, and fifty million “boomers” 50 to 64 are active, accomplished and informed: Millions work, run businesses, serve on boards, donate funds and volunteer hours valued at billions. They read, watch, listen and discuss health issues; half are married, own homes, assist their families- including aged parents. Eighteen million are veterans, and eight of ten votes regularly. Many face health and financial challenges and require costly assistance; two of ten live below poverty. They helped pay for and create a health care system that is the envy of the world. Medicare is not charity - seniors have earned it-and they don’t want it cut.
In 2008 both parties called for reforms to make health insurance and health care more affordable and available and America agreed, especially seniors. Today over half the nation opposes HR3200, and seniors oppose it most: Seniors know good intentions can cause harm; they remind proponents of HR3200– First do no harm”--the caveat of Hippocrates- the father of western medicine: HR3200 harms seniors; it cuts $500 billion from Medicare’s hospital and home care, nursing facilities, hospice, rehab, Medicare Advantage Insurance and especially the aged, disabled and terminally ill. HR3200 also increases taxes $400 billion; they include medical devices, stints and wheelchairs; and increases insurance premiums and total health costs.
Seniors ask why the American Medical Association, the American Nurses and Hospital Associations, and the AARP and PhARMA endorse a bill that cuts their Medicare. They’ve learned these health care leaders negotiated self serving deals: The AMA to protect certain billing rights; the AARP to protect sales of insurance; PhARMA to restrict drug imports; the Hospital Association to get insured patients, and the Nurses Association for pro union legislation. The AFL- CIO and SEIU and the American Bar Association also endorsed HR3200- but they don’t take care of the sick and never took an oath to ”do no harm.” Seniors now know eighty percent of America’s 800,000 doctors do not belong to the AMA -and most oppose HR3200, and over 60,000 members have quit the AARP since June..
The health care and government officials who endorse HR3200 know health budgets of countries with “government care” prioritize lower costs over patient care. Canada and European Union nations uses fewer MRIs, CT scans, advanced drugs and fewer beds per capita. They also report higher mortality for cancer and heart disease. In the EU the death rate from cancers in Great Britain is second only to Denmark, and only the German regions of Saarland, Bremen and Rheinland-Pfalz have a higher death rate from heart disease. Britain’s National Health Service also uses a system called “Quality Adjusted Life Years” to determine treatment based on cost and patient age; and it restricts renal dialysis for the aged, as do other EU nations: In Belgium and the Netherlands, euthanasia is legal; the Dutch also permit neo natal intensive care units to give lethal injections to newborns diagnosed unable to have “meaningful relationships. The entire EU invests only 16% of the world's biotech research; the US invests 78 percent for new drugs and technologies that save lives worldwide. Every year thousands from Europe seek treatment in the US; last year 39,282 came from Canada where the Supreme Court ruled: “Access to a waiting list is not health care.
Seniors know Medicare’s greatest costs are in the final years of life. they are wary of a “Center for Comparative Effectiveness” to recommend treatment based on cost and age. They also oppose federalized "Advance Consultation for "End of Life Service."(Sect.1233) Seniors have caring families and trusted advisors; those who need assistance can receive it at no cost; Every state has agencies and protective laws for Advance Directives -like California Probate Code 4700, and the national hot line (800-222-1753)
Seniors and most Americans now know the “47 million” reported to lack health insurance includes ten million who are not US citizens. The uninsured citizens include nine million that earn over $75,000 and eight million over $50,000. Another ten million citizens are eligible for insurance but not enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid, S-Chip, veterans or employer’s plans. The ten million Americans who need assistance can be insured with patient centered options that preserve choice. They include; portability, interstate sales, group purchase, cash subsidies, risk pools for pre existing conditions, and tax exempt medical savings accounts.
Congress is buying the votes and will change anything to pass HR3200- and “fix it later.” Seniors know they will be first to lose most care -and the most years of life: They don’t want health policies for the “greater good,” from countries with moribund populations rampant with and anti life pathologies: The average “population replacement rate” in the EU is 1.5 per couple, and suicide, abortion and substance abuse is record high. The EU defense budget to protect its population is a telling 1.6 percent of GDP, and Canada is 1.1 percent. The US expends 6.1 percent of GDP to protect American lives- and Canadians and Europeans.
The 1991 national best seller “Parliament of Whores” by P.J. O’Rourke was hailed a “perceptive indictment of Congress.” A 2009 version could be titled “Parliament of Charlatans,” and indict health care and government officials that support HR3200. The Surgeon General should declare them "Dangerous to America's health." America's Senior’s will remind them 21st century America is not 8th century Sparta where ailing seniors and sickly newborns were left on a hillside to die: In America the right to life is inalienable, America is not the EU- “first do no harm.”
SPEAKING CLEARLY presents personal views of Mike DeNunzio: They do not represent opinions or recommendations of any commission or other public or private organization of which he is a current or past member. Mike DeNunzio is Chairman of Development Services Group, Inc.-consultants to non profit organizations for health care, educational, and social services. He has guided clients throughout the U.S. and in Canada, Europe, Central America and Asia. He serves on the board of the American Institute of Ethics and "The Handicapables." Governor Schwarzenegger appointed him to the California Commission on Aging, and he was a San Francisco Commissioner on Aging-Adult Services, appointed by Mayor Willie Brown, and reappointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom. He is a thrice elected past Chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party and currently Chairman of the S.F. Republican Assembly.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kicked out of House of Representatives
DC Protest Nov. 5
Dear Congresswoman Woolsey,
Thank you for e-mailing me a copy of H.R. 3962. After starting to read it I discovered it was 1,990 pages long. YIKES! And I thought Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” was long at 1,168 pages. At least that was entertaining!
This only strengthens my resolve to tell you how much I do NOT want government controlled health care. I am a senior citizen and I am not ready to give up my freedom of choice; Or the quality of my health care. The quality of my health care can only be diminished by the resulting inevitable rationing if government run health care is implemented. I do not believe this is the "American Way." Neither do I believe it is consistent with the revered American traits of individual personal freedom and responsibility.
I believe a better way to provide affordable, quality health care for all is by making well-considered incremental changes because polls consistently show that the majority of citizens are satisfied with their existing health care coverage and choices. A good start would be to reform what I believe are two of the most pressing issues; pass Tort reform legislation and allow the free market to deliver real competition by authorizing the sale of Health Insurance across State lines.
Women’s health care is particularly important. A recent poll by the Independent Women’s Forum reports three out of four women surveyed (74%) consider their own health care as good or excellent. Only 40% would want even slight modifications to their own health care, and 35% would leave their health care as is. Furthermore, 64% of the women surveyed would rather have private insurance than a government-run plan and 61% do not support the individual mandate. Women also oppose the rush to pass a bill. Only 16% rate health care as their top issue and two thirds (67%) don’t want something passed that is poorly crafted. And this poll was taken before the swine flu vaccine shortage. This poll can be seen at
In contrast, the currently proposed radical restructuring of the entire health care system for the country is being rushed through the House of Representatives without allowing adequate time to read, much less debate, the proposed bill in order to even begin to understand this complex legislation or its consequences. Rather than promoting competition, I believe the proposed government-run health care plan will ultimately diminish competition, and result in government-run monopoly, runaway costs, and rationing; Or worse, denial of care.
Why do I believe this? For starters, because under the government-run program Politicians and Bureaucrats will control health care choices and decisions, Not Individuals and their Doctors. The proposed program is a vast expansion of government that goes far beyond the existing Medicare program; the same program that currently results in an estimated $68 Billion in losses from Fraud, each year!
I thank you for your attention. Fred Howey Constituent and Taxpayer
cc: Senators Boxer and Feinstein, Congresswoman Pelosi
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
From the Hill - Washington, DC
Diane, the Tea Party Patriot organizer from PA, had faxes produced from all over the country, and she handed them out at each stop. As the day wore on, our numbers dwindled. We had a female Dr from Texas who talked to Pelosi's aide for about 20 mins. Then the Dr went off on her own to lobby the Blue Dogs, stating that she thought she could be more effective in her argument/presentation alone.
All offices seemed to be aware of big event tomorrow on Capitol steps.
Woolsey's office gave me two passes to the House of Reps gallery, so I may get a chance to go & hear some of the speeches on Healthcare, either Friday, or Sat.
Real democracy in action! Barb
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Danoodle Goes to Washington
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
SF Tea Party in SF today at 5pm, Union Square
Local Businesswoman takes on Lynn Woolsey
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Update - Danoodle on the road
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Marin Republican Central Committee - CLUELESS!
From: Sally Zelikovsky
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 7:54 AM
To: Sally Zelikovsky
Subject: FW: Tea Party
This is the response I FINALLY got from the MRCC about having them forward
the press release to their email list. By the way, the SF-GOP sent it to
their 7000 member email list; didn't hesitate.
In any event, you will have rec'd my response to them already, but thought
you should see this to know the context.
I am thoroughly disgusted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Errol Tremolada
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 3:45 PM
Cc: Kevin Krick; Sashi McEntee
Subject: Tea Party
I received your email via the executive chairs. I have previously emailed
with Elizabeth Appell regarding this issue but here's our policy:
We would like to fill our events calendar on the website with as many events
as possible, Republican sanctioned or not. We've added the tea party there
now. However, the email blasts will remain for official MCRCC news and
events (meetings, newsletters etc.) This is to prevent activist groups and
coalitions from using us basically as an advertising business, which is not
what we are. There are environmental conservatives that will hold events,
log cabin republican events, pro life events, traditional marriage events
etc and we cannot be in the business of advertising on their behalf all the
time. We will have these events on our website calendar. Another important
issue is to be careful how many emails get to our list's inboxes. We cannot
flood them. With meeting reminders, newsletters and the occassional press
release we will be treading a thin line. The more emails the more vulnerable
we are to people ignoring them because they are annoyed and worse they exit
the list. I support your efforts with the tea party just as I have
personally supported other coalitions events (enviromentall, pro life etc)
but we cannot use the MCRCC as a tool in that manner. I would love my por
life events to get that exposure but we can't be blasting every event. If we
did, we would create a precedent that would leave us answering emails like
yours for months and years to come. We believe this policy is clean cut
rather than picking and choosing events to blast.
Thanks for your efforts and I hope for the best success at the Tea Party.
Errol Tremolada
Communications Chair
Reply to Marin Central Committee's clueless stance
From: Sally Zelikovsky
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 7:52 AM
To: 'Errol Termolina'
Cc: 'Kevin Krick'; 'Sashi McEntee'
Subject: RE: Tea Party
Thanks for your reply.
I do have a few thoughts to share.
This struggle is remarkably different than your run-of-the-mill political
People justifiably feel they are fighting for their future, for the future
of the country, for their children, for their safety and economic security.
Every day, there is a new pronouncement from the Admin or Cong of some
liberty being whittled away. People feel they are fighting for the life of
the Republic as well as the Republican Party.
Republicans and conservatives of all shapes and sizes, are scared. People
like me, who have never protested in their lives, are taking to the streets,
clamoring to be heard in fear and desperation. For those of us having to
pay college tuition, losing our jobs and homes, seeing our retirements drip
down the drain, this isn't a game. It's real life and has real, painful
consequences. We feel like we aren't being heard or listened to and sadly,
by Democrats as well as many in our party.
This is a nationwide movement, one that the Republican Party desperately
needs to support in order for it to survive. Without the votes of the
millions who are undertaking this effort, the Republican Party will continue
in its downward spiral. What use is a party that won't take a stance on an
issue as compelling and prosperity-threatening as this one? This myopic
perspective is rooted in impotence and that's not going to recruit members,
drum up dollars or cultivate strong future candidates. If the party won't
stand behind the people, the people will not be there for the party.
Honestly, not one of us is thrilled we have to protest. We have jobs and
school and families we would rather be with on April 15th. I have been
working 24/7 on this as a volunteer-I have much better things to do w/ my
time, like look for a job. But we have literally been forced onto the
streets. Are you afraid to get your hands dirty by forwarding the press
release? It's ok for us to take to the streets, but you don't want any part
of it? And then you are going to ask us to support the candidates you prop
up? Well, I can tell you that when the 150 people on my email list get wind
of this one, they aren't going to be happy w/ the MRCC. And by the way, you
should know that many constituents are miserable that they have to protest
and feel they wouldn't have to be doing this if the Republican Party had
done its job in the first place. Yes, that's how many feel.
You can embrace your limited view or choose to do what other republican
parties have done across the country-they not only plan to use their email
lists to forward information about this event, but intend to show up to the
Tea Party and register voters while sending the message that the Republican
Party stands with the people on this issue. Now, that's a Republican Party
your average Joe will support.
The issue of our economy is vast in scope and affects all aspects of our
lives. It goes to the very core of conservatism and therefore, the
Republican platform, that is, limited government, low taxes and liberty,
including economic liberty and free enterprise. This issue is so profound,
I am even getting support from democrats. This disaster BHO has created is
giving us the opportunity to recruit disillusioned Democrats, much like 9-11
did. Yes, this is that big.
If the Republican Party cannot wrap its hands around an issue that is
uniting millions of conservatives (most of whom vote Republican) and cannot
see this as a struggle not only for the success of the Republican Party but
for the life of the country, then the Republican Party is in more trouble
than I could have ever imagined.
I think I am beginning to understand how it is the democrats can continue to
walk all over us, when we are unwilling to work with one another for petty
reasons such as (1) glutting people w/ emails (emails many of them have
indicated to me they would have liked to receive from the MRCC-and, by the
way, all I asked is for a one time distribution of the press release) and
(2) doing our advertising (I cannot even come up w/ a parenthetical for this
pathetic excuse).
I have heard rumors about the last few meetings and refused to believe them.
I stood up for the MRCC on several occasions the past few months. I know
you are facing some battles with a group of conservatives who want to take
the party in a different direction in order to have a real impact. I've
been reluctant to agree with them and have mistakenly defended the MRCC and
some of the outrageous actions that have been taken recently. However, after
seeing how you have taken such a hands off approach to this issue, the MRCC
itself has reinforced all of the negative rumors floating about town.
This is a truly sad state of affairs. My arm is still outstretched and I
remain willing to work with you on this. I hope you can see things from the
perspective of hundreds of your constituents/members.
Thank you,
Sally Zelikovsky
Thursday, April 2, 2009
SF Tea Party Press Release
Press Release:
Tax Day Tea Party Members Gather in San Francisco to Protest Bailouts and Wasteful
Spending in the Stimulus and Budget
Date: Wednesday, April 15
thTime: 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Place: Civic Center Park, San Francisco
San Francisco Coordinator: Sally Zelikovsky
sallyzel@comcast.netCalifornia Coordinator: Mark Meckler
mark.grassroots@gmail.comTogether with Tea Parties taking place in hundreds of cities across the country, concerned taxpayers will
gather on April 15, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in Civic Center Park in San Francisco to send
the following message to President Obama and the Congress:
No You Can’t! spend taxpayers’ hard-earned money on reckless stimulus packages loaded with pork.•
No You Can’t! implement a pork-laden budget that can only lead to increased taxes and further debt.•
No You Can’t! put a stranglehold on our economy.•
No You Can’t! take our money and limit our freedoms.The consequences of such profligate spending are far-reaching and will affect the economic well-being of
future generations while thwarting the basic liberties entrusted to the people by our Constitution.
When, in 1773, the colonists were not heard or respected, the Boston Tea Party was born and the Sons
of Liberty dumped tons of tea into the Harbor as a protest against the British government. Tax Day Tea
Party protesters are gathering across this great nation in the spirit of those patriots, demanding to be
The winds of change are blowing but this isn’t change any of us can believe in. The irresponsible
behavior of Washington’s politicians has prompted taxpayers to action. Hard-working Americans
throughout the country and across the economic and political spectra are joining forces to send a
message to their politicians: America is going to party like it’s 1773!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dissent and the Media that Fails to Report it!
“What have you heard about tea parties,” I recently asked about a dozen people.
“Like the one I had with my grandkids last week?”
“Is this a trick question?”
“Nothing, in particular.”
These are just a few of the responses my informal survey yielded. Statistically speaking it hardly comprises a representative sample but is instructive nonetheless. In short, the media are depriving Americans of all the news that’s fit to print.
This is scarcely a surprise to conservatives, but for those who are not aware of this phenomenon, take heed.
It is rudimentary that the press serves as an unofficial check on all three branches of the government. It is supposed to function independently from the government ensuring that the public receives news in its purest, most unadulterated, objective form. Our history books are replete with examples of societies in which the press functioned as an arm of the government and the havoc that came to bear on the governed as a result. While I do not claim that today’s press is an extension of the government, I’m afraid, my blissfully unaware friends, that we have journeyed to a time when our press functions as a de facto arm of the government. By failing to report newsworthy events simply because they do not comport with the collective viewpoints within a media organization, the press becomes complicit in the promotion of one ideology over another. The tyranny of the majority, which was anathema to our founding fathers, has finally found a foothold in our media and threatens all we hold dear (and by “we” I mean all of us regardless of political affiliation).
While the media knowingly and repeatedly fail to inform millions of Americans of newsworthy events, millions of Americans are also guilty for failing to demand more of their print and electronic media outlets.
Today, millions of Americans are exercising their constitutional right to dissent by staging tea parties all across the land and yet millions of Americans have not read a word about it in the papers, heard any mention of it on the radio or seen a single image about it on TV (excepting, of course, Fox News, conservative Talk Radio and conservative publications). This neglect is not accidental. The press is intentionally holding back news from you, the people.
The tea party story you are not being told has nothing to do with doilies and crumpets. It hearkens back to a time in 1773 when the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians and emptied tea into the
How else to explain the fact that something big is brewing all across the land and you know nothing about it?
Since the press won’t tell you about the tea parties, I will. Over half the people who voted in this last election are fuming mad and do not agree with the economic policies of the current Administration and Congress. They have reached a tipping point and, in uncharacteristic fashion, are taking to the streets on April 15th in close to 300 cities across the nation, with thousands expected to protest the wasteful and profligate spending in Washington; the pork-laden, so-called Stimulus Package; the trillion dollar, record breaking Budget; and proposed Health Care Plans that are sure to bankrupt the American people.
No one stood in the way of the anti-war protesters or Code Pink when they took center stage and most credible news outlets (right, left and center) reported these acts of dissent. Did you know that the conservative media also reported on these protests as well as anti-torture rallies, anti-trade demonstrations and the ubiquitous anti-Bush protests? Yet, non-conservative media outlets have neglected to inform the public that tea parties have not only already taken place, but hundreds will occur on April 15th! We know the press is not allergic to this kind of reporting because just last week, local TV crews covered the tepid protest in front of the Marine recruitment office in the East Bay on the 6th anniversary of the Iraq War—they didn’t miss a beat.
But when it comes to dissent from the right and center, they’ve missed an entire concerto of beats. This blatant shunning of news should worry all of us: once the press filters the news through their own lenses, the news becomes tainted and questionable and the individual is at the mercy of those in control.
Is that the news you want?
A skewed media hurts us all and whittles away at our fundamental freedoms. Whether you have actually lived in a society where the press is controlled by political forces or merely read 1984 in high school and can envision this reality through the power of fiction, you know that a free and fair press in bed with a party or an ideology flies in the face of all we value and, by definition, cannot be free and fair.
Speaking of 1984, during the Two Minute hate when viewers robotically spew hate towards Emmanuel Goldstein, Winston directs his hate against Big Brother, the Party and the Ministry of Truth. Realizing that Goldstein is just another prop in the party’s propaganda machine (funneled by a complicit media and individuals reluctant to think for themselves), Winston feels affection for Goldstein as the “sole guardian of truth and sanity in a world of lies,” a world in which he and the people around him play just as big a part as the Party and Ministry.
I challenge the Marin IJ, the San Francisco Chronicle and every local television and radio station in the Bay Area to report on the Tea Party taking place on April 15th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
CA Civil Service update - from Mark Hill

Chronicling civil-service life for California state workers
December 31, 2008
State Finance Director Mike Genest unveiled Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's 2009-10 budget proposal today. It continues the call for a employee furloughs, two fewer paid holidays each year, changes to overtime pay calculations and layoffs.
The new wrinkle: Schwarzenegger wants to dump CalPERS as the health care rate negotiator / administrator for the state workforce. Here are the pertinent paragraphs on pages 45 and 46 of the governor's plan:
Porposed changes to General Fund expeditures include:
A decrease of $132.2 million in health care costs beginning in January 2010 by contracting for lower cost health care coverage directly from an insurer rather than through CalPERS. Savings beginning in 2010‑11 will prefund Other Post‑Employment Benefit costs.And Non-General Fund adjustments include:
A decrease of $47.9 million from various special funds in health care costs by contracting for lower cost health care coverage directly from an insurer rather than through CalPERS. Savings beginning in 2010‑11 will prefund Other Post‑Employment Benefit costs.You can read the 2009-10 budget plan here.
And remember the California Performance Review? Schwarzenegger is reaching back to it for ways to consolidate and streamline the government. An insert to the budget outlines more than two dozen state boards, agencies, bureaus and commissions the administration wants to streamline, combine or eliminate.
You can read that document by clicking on this link. The Bee is all over the governor's proposal. We have a half-dozen reporters and editors working the story from various angles this afternoon. Watch for several stories out tomorrow.