Press Release:
Tax Day Tea Party Members Gather in San Francisco to Protest Bailouts and Wasteful
Spending in the Stimulus and Budget
Date: Wednesday, April 15
thTime: 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Place: Civic Center Park, San Francisco
San Francisco Coordinator: Sally Zelikovsky
sallyzel@comcast.netCalifornia Coordinator: Mark Meckler
mark.grassroots@gmail.comTogether with Tea Parties taking place in hundreds of cities across the country, concerned taxpayers will
gather on April 15, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in Civic Center Park in San Francisco to send
the following message to President Obama and the Congress:
No You Can’t! spend taxpayers’ hard-earned money on reckless stimulus packages loaded with pork.•
No You Can’t! implement a pork-laden budget that can only lead to increased taxes and further debt.•
No You Can’t! put a stranglehold on our economy.•
No You Can’t! take our money and limit our freedoms.The consequences of such profligate spending are far-reaching and will affect the economic well-being of
future generations while thwarting the basic liberties entrusted to the people by our Constitution.
When, in 1773, the colonists were not heard or respected, the Boston Tea Party was born and the Sons
of Liberty dumped tons of tea into the Harbor as a protest against the British government. Tax Day Tea
Party protesters are gathering across this great nation in the spirit of those patriots, demanding to be
The winds of change are blowing but this isn’t change any of us can believe in. The irresponsible
behavior of Washington’s politicians has prompted taxpayers to action. Hard-working Americans
throughout the country and across the economic and political spectra are joining forces to send a
message to their politicians: America is going to party like it’s 1773!