See Also,
I attended the very crowded energy meeting yesterday am in San Rafael - an overflow crowd! Outrageous that the Marin Energy Authority is spending $1.5m of our tax money to startup. The worst part - you have to OPT OUT of MEA providing energy to your house. I just did this at IMPORTANT: you need your Electric Service # - not your account # - to OPT OUT. The service number is listed on your PG&E bill. You need to OPT OUT online, or by calling 1-866-743-0335.
I definitely do not want MEA providing my energy. I am pleased with PG&E - very reliable. Marin does not need an alternative energy company that will cost a lot more, just so some Marinites can feel good. The cost will be much more under MEA, and the taxpayers will be on the hook.
This creation of the MEA and allocation of our tax money was never put to a vote! Charles McGlashan, a Marin County Supervisor, is the Chairman of MEA - talk about a conflict of interest!! A Marin Grand Jury said this scheme was folly and recommended "the Marin Clean Energy program be abandoned." Lots of cities, including Berkeley, have chosen not to go with an alternative energy authority, because of legal and financial risks to taxpayers.
The Marin County Treasurer-Tax Collector Michael Smith wrote in the IJ Marin Voice 2/21/10, " public vote of approval...grand jury has recommended abandoning MCE...we as ratepayers will be in MCE unless we decide to opt out..."
Larkspur, Novato, Corte Madera, and Ross have all opted out of MEA. For some reason, San Rafael has not. Truly outrageous!