Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dana Walsh letter to SF Chronicle

Dana Walsh for Congress CONTACT: MIKE DENUNZIO- (415) 749-1942 GOP CANDIDATE WALSH CHARGES PELOSI & SHEEHAN "DENIES REALITY" OF TERRORISM JULY 22, 2007. DANA WALSH, candidate for Congress in San Francisco, CD8 sent the following statement to the San Francisco Chronicle, in response to Cindy Sheehan's article in INSIGHT (Sunday July 22, 2007): San Francisco Chronicle Editor, Cindy Sheehan touts her candidacy for Congress stating she “does not live in a mansion on the hill” (Insight July 22). Neither do I. I am also a candidate for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, but unlike Mrs. Pelosi and Ms. Sheehan, I work for a living. I am not a wealthy socialite, nor am I funded by big money leftists. I have lived in San Francisco and have owned a small businesses in The City for 25 years. The Democrat party did not “start every war in the 20th Century” as Ms. Sheehan deludes. My father served in the Second World War and I honor our men and women in Iraq who are fighting in a new world war against Islamic terrorism. I support their mission to help the fledgling democracy in Iraq and to protect America at home. Mrs. Pelosi and her "Blame America” liberals are in denial. America is in a global war on terrorism. Their cut and run defeatism demoralizes our troops and emboldens our enemy. President Kennedy said: “We will pay any price, we will bear any burden, to assure the survival of liberty.” Nancy Pelosi does not. President Reagan warned: “Freedom is always one generation from extinction, every generation must defend it.” Nancy Pelosi does not. America is in a war - not a lawsuit. I want a strong Patriot Act with electronic surveillance and tough interrogation of suspected terrorists. I also want secure borders to stop illegal immigration. I oppose amnesty and illegal "sanctuary cities." Mrs. Pelosi does not. I remind the wealthy Mrs. Pelosi, who never held a real job, of Thomas Jefferson’s wise counsel: “Government shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned; the government that governs least governs best." Jefferson was not a "tax and spend" politician. Nancy Pelosi is! Mrs. Pelosi is an unwitting enabler of Al Quaeda and Cindy Sheehan is to be pitied. The real debate in next year’s Congressional campaign is not how to lose the war on terror but how to win it. This is why I am a candidate for Congress. DANA WALSH,Candidate for House of Representatives. CD 8, San Francisco. 1592 Union street, #52 San Francisco, Ca. 94123 Tel: 415 -749-1942(FEC #C00436154)