Thursday, December 6, 2007
Brainwashing, Science, & Al Gore
From Holman W. Jenkins' Wall Street Journal article, Wed, 12/5/07, The Science of Gore's Nobel:
... "Availability cascade" has been coined for the way a proposition can become irresistible simply by the media repeating it [emp added]; "informational cascade" for the tendency to replace our beliefs with the crowd's beliefs; and "reputational cascade" for the rational incentive to do so."...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Non-partisan offices...not really
From CRP Chairman Ron Nehring's E-Report 11/26/07:
"Recently, some have complained about political parties being involved in local, so called 'non-partisan' elections. The notion that there is any government office in this state that is immune from questions of what is the proper role of government is a fiction. Every office invariably involves the taxation of citizens and the use of those funds, making the very assertion of a "non-partisan" office a quaint theory divorced from reality. [emphasis added] Anyone who's endured even a single city council or board of supervisors meeting understands this truth."...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ever Wonder HOW MUCH Immigration Costs us Taxpayers....hold on to your seats!
Subject: Worth forwarding on
Hope these 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read by the majority of Americans. Then they will have something to yell at their U.S. Congress members.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.
Homeland Security Report:
12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes
Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States ".
So using the LOWEST estimates, the annual cost OF ILLEGAL ALIENS is $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! So if deporting them costs between $206 and $230 BILLION DOLLARS, We'll be ahead after the 1st year!!!
Please pass this post on. Taxpayers need to be very worried.
Let's Say Thanks To Our Troops
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Necessity of Thanksgiving

“Tomorrow being the day set apart by the Honorable Congress for public Thanksgiving and Praise; and duty calling us devoutly to express our grateful acknowledgements to God for the manifold blessings he has granted us, the General... earnestly exhorts, all officers and soldiers, whose absence is not indispensably necessary, to attend with reverence the solemnities of the day.” —George Washington (December 17, 1777)
"In this era of overblown political correctness, we often hear tales of Thanksgiving that stray far afield from the truth. Contemporary textbook narratives of the first American harvest celebration portray the Pilgrim colonists as having given thanks to their Indian neighbors for teaching them how to survive in a strange new world. This, of course, is in stark contrast to the historical record, in which the colonists gave thanks to God Almighty, the Provider of their blessings."
For the rest of the story -
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dec. 6th Semper Fi Dinner/Fundraiser, SF

On Dec. 6th, the Nob Hill Republican Women's Club will hold its twelfth Annual Holiday Celebration on behalf of "Semper Fi Fund" featuring guest speaker Fred LaCosse, who will present his program on the "Founding Fathers," to be held at the S.F. Italian Athletic Club. 100% of the proceeds from the raffle will go to the families of the wounded Marines so that the families can go & visit their wounded loved ones.
This event is an evening one & will cost $75 per person for dinner. Raffle tix are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.
Info or rsvp:, or 415-924-9991.
This event is an evening one & will cost $75 per person for dinner. Raffle tix are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.
Info or rsvp:, or 415-924-9991.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Dana Walsh and Melanie Morgan - dynamic duo

Check out the Dana Walsh info at on the Election 08 page. Fearless Dana is running against Nancy Pelosi in SF, and deserves our support, and contributions! Go Dana! (I've also posted a Congressional District 08 map of SF on the Election 08 page to show the ridiculous gerrymandering by the Dems in order to save their bums, errrr seats.)
Dana's Nob Hill Republican Club hosted Melanie Morgan last Friday, Nov. 16, at the Waterfront Restaurant, SF (Republican-owned, incidentally). A check for $1200 was presented to Melanie's organization, Move America Forward. Melanie teared up, bless her heart! The gift obviously meant a lot to her. So I'm sending in my donation to her organization, MAF, today!
And I'm also sending a check to Dana Walsh for her Congressional campaign!
These are two dynamic, brave, ladies; they make me proud to be a Republican. Please support them any way you can.
Dana's Nob Hill Republican Club hosted Melanie Morgan last Friday, Nov. 16, at the Waterfront Restaurant, SF (Republican-owned, incidentally). A check for $1200 was presented to Melanie's organization, Move America Forward. Melanie teared up, bless her heart! The gift obviously meant a lot to her. So I'm sending in my donation to her organization, MAF, today!
And I'm also sending a check to Dana Walsh for her Congressional campaign!
These are two dynamic, brave, ladies; they make me proud to be a Republican. Please support them any way you can.
Danoodle in Vegas

I just took a week's vacation in that cultural mecca - Las Vegas! It has been a few years since I was there, and what a change! The building going on there reminds me of what daughter wrote about Beiijing, China, after visiting there this past summer, that the air was totally polluted because of the enormous amount of construction going on for the Olympics. Well, the air in Las Vegas is not that polluted, but the cranes and construction worker-bees are certainly busy. And the traffic is at metropolitan city levels!
Las Vegas has a symphony and an art museum, which I did not check out. It's easy to catch a show or two on the Strip, and go casino-hopping (no, I don't gamble) to see the lush, and sometimes gawdy, interiors of the hotels and shopping areas. The weather was perfect at night (70), and hot during the day.
The number of very good restaurants is surprising, and one feels removed from the Strip atmosphere at many of them. The best view at night is atop THE Hotel (attached to Mandalay Bay).
Daughter joined hubby and me for a fast family vacation, although we hesitated to mention "Las Vegas" to our friends on East & West Coasts.
The town was surprisingly pleasant.
Las Vegas has a symphony and an art museum, which I did not check out. It's easy to catch a show or two on the Strip, and go casino-hopping (no, I don't gamble) to see the lush, and sometimes gawdy, interiors of the hotels and shopping areas. The weather was perfect at night (70), and hot during the day.
The number of very good restaurants is surprising, and one feels removed from the Strip atmosphere at many of them. The best view at night is atop THE Hotel (attached to Mandalay Bay).
Daughter joined hubby and me for a fast family vacation, although we hesitated to mention "Las Vegas" to our friends on East & West Coasts.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Swift Kids for Truth - John Edwards
For those of you who missed tonight's Special Report with Brit Hume on Fox News:
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Remembering Our Heroes
From Ron Nehring, Chairman, CA Republican Party:
Monday, Nov. 12. As we observe Veterans Day, we pause to remember the sacrifices our men and women in uniform have made while serving our nation. For more than two centuries, our 50 million veterans have fought to preserve our nation's liberty and democracy and the freedom of our citizens.
A special debt of gratitude is owed to the 1.5 million heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We remember and honor them, while holding dear in our hearts the families they have left behind.
Our men and women in uniform have raised and kept safe a nation that it might bestow upon us the blessings of liberty sought out so many years ago by our founders. These heroes in uniform have led this nation to victory through the darkest of moments, when victory seemed beyond grasp. Today we pay a special tribute to those who have and continue to sacrifice, so that we as a nation can live in freedom.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A History Quiz for our Political Wonks.
A little history lesson. If you don't know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. None of the above
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. None of the Above
3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
A. Nikita Khrushev B. Josef Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. None of the above
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
A. Mao Tse Dung B. Hugo Chavez C. Kim Jong Il D. None of the above
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Molotov D. None of the above
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
A. Pinochet B. Milosevic C. Saddam Hussein D. None of the above
Scroll down for answers
Answers(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007(3) D. None of th e above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007 (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005Be afraid, Be very afraid!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Dana Walsh speaks to Marin Club Wed., Oct. 24

At today's Marin Club luncheon at 4 Points Sheraton, San Rafael, guest speaker Dana Walsh (R), SF, presented her platform. She is running against Nancy Pelosi (D) for Congress, CD 8.
In a city where Republicans are outnumbered (40,000 Republicans; 200,000 Democrats), Dana is certainly Danoodle's Woman of the Year. Kudos to her for taking time out of her life to get out the Republican message! She is starting early, and is energetically elucidating her platform of Low Taxes, Winning the War on Terrorism, Less Government, and Stopping Illegal Immigration.
Did you know:
-Nancy Pelosi has never held a job other than bureaucrat?
-San Francisco has been so gerrymandered CD 8 that a large swath of Republicans are excluded from voting in that Congressional District? See map at
-SF is the fifth largest media market in the U.S.?
-Not only is Dana running against Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, but also Cindy Sheehan, Independent?
-Dana has run her own business in SF for 25 years?
-So far, Dana is unopposed for the Republican nomination in SF?
-The Statewide Direct Primary Election is held June 3, 2008?
-The Presidential General Election is held November 4, 2008?
Pls help Dana get out her (and our) Republican message by contributing today to her campaign. Send your check to:
Candidate for House of Representatives. CD 8, San Francisco
1592 Union street, #52
San Francisco, Ca. 94123
(FEC #C00436154)
Dana can be reached at:
Tel: 415 -749-1942.
Also, Dana will be accepting contributions via her website beginning next week.
Dana has an experienced Campaign Manager, Mike DeNunzio, SF, who ran against Lynn Woolsey last year. His blog is at
I've posted Dana's Press Releases on
Go, Dana!
Marin Club Officers for 2008
The Marin Club (MRWF) announced in their October Newsletter their slate of officers for 2008:
President - Faye Bourret
1st VP/Programs -Judith Walker
2nd VP/Membership - Cindy Eisenhower
3rd VP/Events - Kitty Forde
Treasurer - Anne Brenneis
Secretary - Pat Derenzo
They will be voted on at their November meeting.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Economy's The Thing, Stupid
This week’s Economist has a good article about the Republicans' waning support among the wealthy. The Rich Republican stereotype, which hasn’t always been accurate anyway, is apparently no more:
For people living in wealthy and very Democrat San Francisco, this won’t be particularly surprising. And the Republican’s poor fiscal management in the past 8 years is enough to turn any businessperson off. But it’s hard to imagine them turning to the Democrats if money is their top priority – for 2008, Democrats are banking on a protectionist, anti-globalization ideology. Obama has promised to fight the trade-pact with South Korea (in defense of the American worker), and Hillary wants to review all free-trade agreements every five years. There has been a revival of animosity toward globalization recently. One of their top pundits (and #11 on the list of world’s top public intellectuals (which I would argue is slightly contradictory – what does “popular” have to do with “intellectual”, and aren't they inherently antithetical?)), Naomi Klein, has a new book about the devious nature of global capitalism. Sure to be a rallying cry for G8 and World Bank protestor types, this polemic is a follow-up to her seminal text No Logo, and seems to exist not to convince, but to preach to the converted. The Shock Doctrine is basically the book equivalent of a Michael Moore film – stretching facts to suit pseudo-conspiracies (this time in the form of Milton Friedman’s students). The FT has a good review. There is not enough space here to explain why globalization is good, but I would refer you to a Forbes article on the subject. Globalization has improved the quality of life of many people across the world, and not just because you can get a Frappachino in the Forbidden City (actually, apparently you can’t anymore. But you could this summer.) But the anti-globalization rhetoric we are starting to see on the campaign trail is one of the worst forms of populism to infiltrate US politics in some time. Never mind that we are currently in our 50th consecutive month of job growth, and that since August 2003 the US has created 8.1 million new jobs. Obama and Hillary talk about the evils of outsourcing and free trade. And what are the Republicans doing about it? While our candidates couldn’t be bothered to attend CA’s Republican convention in Palm Springs last month (we’re only the world’s 7th largest economy…), they all found time to pay homage to the Family-Values crowd at this weekend’s Value Voter Summit. Why Giuliani bothered to show up at all is a surprise. In a straw poll, he only got 107 votes out of 5,776. As the only pro-choice candidate on the roster, this was not his audience, and perhaps he missed an opportunity to snub the minority that for too long has hijacked the Republican agenda away from its tried-and-true business roots. The Economist cogently writes:“A YouGov/Polimetrix poll for The Economist finds that only 44% of those earning more than $150,000 plan to vote Republican."
“The shrill voices of religious conservatives have driven away many pragmatic Republicans who feel that banning abortion and gay marriage are not the most pressing issues confronting America… Rather than building a pragmatic centre-right alternative to Hillary Clinton, the conservative movement is stuck with God, gays and guns… As long as the business of the Republican Party seems not to be business, it can hardly complain if businesspeople look elsewhere.”
Friday, October 19, 2007
MRP Chairwoman's Edict. My Reply.
Email from MRP Chairman Morgan Kelley
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: Blog
A while ago you asked me for a list of people who had volunteered by way of the Web Site and I went laboriously through all my records and gave you that list for the purpose of contacting Republicans for the Round Table.
We have had complaints that you are sending them your blog and they did not give out their email address for that purpose. I would kindly ask you to cease using the list that I gave you and destroy any copies that you might have. The other complaint is that there is no obvious way to opt out of your blog, which I understand is required by law.
You did ask us to quit using your logo (although I was not aware that it had been copywritten ) which we did. I would very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter so that I can assure those people that they will not be getting your blog anymore unless they personally request it.
Morgan Kelley
Marin Republican Party
My Reply sent 10/18/07:
Morgan, You only sent me 5 Volunteer names in the past, none of whom are on my E-List.
In case you have forgotten, I have organized people in Marin since 1996, starting with my United Conservatives group, on through the Russ Weiner campaign, and later, so I have quite an extensive E-List of my own.
You obviously don't know that much about blogs. There is an RSS feed that people can subscribe to if they wish. They can also unsubscribe if they wish. I do not automatically subscribe anyone to the feed. Each person must do that on their own.
I send out a reminder to my E-List when Danoodle or the Danoodle blog is updated appreciably. Anyone on my E-List who doesn't wish to get that email can email me directly at to be removed. So far, I've gotten 2 requests to be removed from my e-list. If you encounter complainers, refer them to me, and I will happily remove them.
As far as the logo is concerned, my daughter made the Bridge Logo for me as a gift. As MRP Webmaster, I used it on the MRP site. Since I am no longer webmaster, there is no need for the MRP to use that particular Logo. And yes, it is copyrighted, and no, you and the MRP do not have my permission to use it. I appreciate your taking it down in a timely manner.
Barbara Howey
MRP Central Committee Member, District 1
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Novato Club Officers, 2008
The Novato Club (NRWF) announced their slate of officers for 2008 at their luncheon this past Tuesday:
Mary Raub, President (2nd term)
Rosemary Garvey, 1st VP, (2nd term) (with assistance from Sue Campbell)
Nina Tychin and Donna Mani, 2nd VP's
Charlotte Urban, Treasurer (Woman of the Year for 2007)
Marty Wickenhauser, Secretary
Elise Vitale, Membership
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
California Dream ... up in smoke.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California has a reputation as a land of opportunity but residents face such steep costs that even a modest lifestyle is far out of reach for many, a report released on Wednesday said.
"For many Californians, just making ends meet is a struggle," the California Budget Project, a liberal advocacy center, said in its report.
"Many families live paycheck to paycheck, juggling rent or a mortgage payment with child care, food, and emergencies such as unexpected car repairs."
Because of the Golden State's extraordinarily high living costs, even middle-class families must pinch pennies and cut corners to get by, according to the report.
Raising a family and maintaining a modest living standard requires incomes much higher than the state's $7.50 an hour minimum wage provides -- and in many cases much more than even a median wage, the report said.
In addition to some of the highest home prices in the nation, Californians face high costs from property and income taxes, insurance, home repairs, child care, transportation, food and health care -- each contributing to making the state one of priciest places to live in the United States.
The center's report said its gauge for household budgeting included basic expenses and provided for more than a bare-bones existence but allowed little to no money left over for college savings, vacations or emergencies.
The center estimated that to support a modest living standard in California, a single adult must earn $28,336 per year and a single-parent family must have an annual income of $59,732. A family with two working parents would need to earn $72,343 annually.
Famed cities in the state such as San Francisco and Los Angeles are especially expensive.
A minimum wage worker in California earns $15,600 annually.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Congrats to Minutemen at GG Bridge
From Joe Reich, Interim President of the North Bay Minutemen:
"We didn't do too badly. We had an escort of 5 HP Officers. So people in the cars were looking at the Officers and, of course, couldn't help but see us with our decorative signs. 55 people participated in the march. We had a great get together at Rodeo Beach afterwards. It was our first real action as North Bay Minutemen since we first started meeting in July."
See 10/13/07 photos at
Steroids & Genetically Modified Foods
Hmmm...perhaps we should look at steroid use among our atheletes as stoking their bodies in order to compete at a higher level...improving the body's mechanism...sort of like genetically modified foods. Through science, we are improving foods to resist pests and other maladies to which unmodified foods succumb. Therefore, the GM foods become superior. Do the atheletes bodies become like GM foods - superior - through science??
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Road Trip

by Mary Anne Gilles, Novato Club (NRWF)
At 6am, Thursday, September 27th, I got in my silver fox and headed to Palm Springs to attend the National Convention for the GOP Women. I arrived at the Wyndham Hotel at 4pm to find the registration had been re-scheduled for Friday at 11am. So, off I went to the California Suite to drop off the case of wine I was donating, but was unable to do that. I finally got to my condo in Palm Springs, and off to the famous Thursday Night Market on Palm Canyon Drive.
Friday morning, my goal was to register and check out the vendors, and find out what was on the agenda and who the speakers would be. It turned out that the speakers were not very good at best. I strongly felt that the overall management of the Convention was rather lame, so I did not attend the workshops; I scoped out the convention center, and went to lunch.
After a nice few hours by the pool in the lovely Palm Springs sunshine, I got dressed in my silver and black and went to the Gala. The Gala was probably the best event of the entire convention - Follow the Stars to Palm Springs, a fashion show was presented by David Hayes, a wonderful review of Hollywood Revisted was given with a tribute to Costume Design from old Hollywood. Rhonda Fleming gave a brief address, and I did meet her after the show, a lovely GOP Lady.
I spent all day on Saturday at the general session, sitting in the alternate voting section for our State, heard Rudy Giuliani give a thirty minute speech, heard a wonderful speaker, Connie Podesta, regarding women power. The vote to raise the national dues passed for $3.00 per member. The new slate of officers was voted on and several officers found a vote was needed for the decision of who would serve. The lunch speaker was Mary Bono, the local Congresswoman, who supports Rudy Giuliani.
I worked as a volunteer for a workshop on Saturday afternoon, and spent the evening at the Ohio and California Suites. I did find someone to give my case of wine to, and they were so thankful that I truly felt good about giving the California wine to the California Suite. I had a nice visit with fellow Californians including a fellow retired military spouse, the Chair for the Convention, Diane McGlinchey.
The Sunday general session was called to order by President Beverly Davis, Utah. By the end of the day, the new President, Shirley Sadler, Ohio, closed the meeting. The speaker at the closing luncheon was Gregg Jackson, who spoke about conservative comebacks to liberal lies. The food at this lunch was very good; the food at the gala was not good at all.
Sunday afternoon found me at the Palm Springs Museum where I did my field work for my Master's in Cultural Anthropology. I love that museum for all the wonderful Native American artifacts.
Sunday evening was spent with Novato members at an outdoor restaurant.
Monday morning was a quick tour of the Stars Homes of the Valley, and then on to Solvang for an overnight stop to get my fix of Danish food and check out the shops. Got home around 7pm after a very long, tiring drive. Why don't I fly? Next Time! Speaking of next time, I loved the Nashville Convention in 2005, not too pleased with this one in 2007, therefore time will tell if I will "fly" to the 2009 Convention in Orlando, FL.
I do plan to go back to Palm Springs this winter and just enjoy!
At 6am, Thursday, September 27th, I got in my silver fox and headed to Palm Springs to attend the National Convention for the GOP Women. I arrived at the Wyndham Hotel at 4pm to find the registration had been re-scheduled for Friday at 11am. So, off I went to the California Suite to drop off the case of wine I was donating, but was unable to do that. I finally got to my condo in Palm Springs, and off to the famous Thursday Night Market on Palm Canyon Drive.
Friday morning, my goal was to register and check out the vendors, and find out what was on the agenda and who the speakers would be. It turned out that the speakers were not very good at best. I strongly felt that the overall management of the Convention was rather lame, so I did not attend the workshops; I scoped out the convention center, and went to lunch.
After a nice few hours by the pool in the lovely Palm Springs sunshine, I got dressed in my silver and black and went to the Gala. The Gala was probably the best event of the entire convention - Follow the Stars to Palm Springs, a fashion show was presented by David Hayes, a wonderful review of Hollywood Revisted was given with a tribute to Costume Design from old Hollywood. Rhonda Fleming gave a brief address, and I did meet her after the show, a lovely GOP Lady.
I spent all day on Saturday at the general session, sitting in the alternate voting section for our State, heard Rudy Giuliani give a thirty minute speech, heard a wonderful speaker, Connie Podesta, regarding women power. The vote to raise the national dues passed for $3.00 per member. The new slate of officers was voted on and several officers found a vote was needed for the decision of who would serve. The lunch speaker was Mary Bono, the local Congresswoman, who supports Rudy Giuliani.
I worked as a volunteer for a workshop on Saturday afternoon, and spent the evening at the Ohio and California Suites. I did find someone to give my case of wine to, and they were so thankful that I truly felt good about giving the California wine to the California Suite. I had a nice visit with fellow Californians including a fellow retired military spouse, the Chair for the Convention, Diane McGlinchey.
The Sunday general session was called to order by President Beverly Davis, Utah. By the end of the day, the new President, Shirley Sadler, Ohio, closed the meeting. The speaker at the closing luncheon was Gregg Jackson, who spoke about conservative comebacks to liberal lies. The food at this lunch was very good; the food at the gala was not good at all.
Sunday afternoon found me at the Palm Springs Museum where I did my field work for my Master's in Cultural Anthropology. I love that museum for all the wonderful Native American artifacts.
Sunday evening was spent with Novato members at an outdoor restaurant.
Monday morning was a quick tour of the Stars Homes of the Valley, and then on to Solvang for an overnight stop to get my fix of Danish food and check out the shops. Got home around 7pm after a very long, tiring drive. Why don't I fly? Next Time! Speaking of next time, I loved the Nashville Convention in 2005, not too pleased with this one in 2007, therefore time will tell if I will "fly" to the 2009 Convention in Orlando, FL.
I do plan to go back to Palm Springs this winter and just enjoy!
Oct. 13 Minutemen Rally, SF
The North Bay Minutemen will march across the Golden Gate Bridge Sat., Oct. 13. They will meet on the SF side of the Bridge, in the parking lot, at 10:00 am. All supporters are welcome!
From their Press Release, Oct. 11:
We pledge to maintain the sovereignty of the United States of America, to secure the borders, and to insure that the rights and privileges of U. S. citizenship be reserved for American citizens and legal immigrants.
We pledge to work with local, state and national governmental agencies to require that immigration laws are enforced at every level, and that persons found to be in the country illegally are deported immediately.
We pledge to work for the election of officials that support Americans and the rule of law. We support local police detainment of illegals and aid to federal agencies with enforcement.
We pledge to educate citizens on the meaning of American̢۪s birthright. The schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, government buildings and government services are bought and paid for by many generations of American citizens. This is your birthright, it is not an abstract idea, and it is all around you and is diluted and overwhelmed with every new illegal immigrant that is allowed in the country.
We pledge to refuse to allow other nations to dump their unemployment, healthcare and education problems on the United States taxpayers.
We pledge to refuse to surrender our national sovereignty to Mexico.
We pledge to confront all politicians that are silent or outright selling your citizenship birthright to Mexico or any other country.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Oct. 17 rally - Berkeley Recruiting Station
From On Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - at 12:00 Noon Pacific Time - we will hold a large patriotic, pro-troop, pro-veteran rally in front of the Berkely, CA., Marine Recruiting Center (located at 64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA. 94704). We're going to respond with a positive, pro-military, patriotic rally and we need you to be there! We're inviting the media to come out and cover this pushback so we need a really great crowd to be on hand!! Details at
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Happy Report - from the UN ??!!
To Gillian, Danoodler at UN: Are they smoking something at the UN??
"...So imagine how shocked I was to learn, officially, that we're not doomed after all. A new United Nations report called "State of the Future" concludes: "People around the world are becoming healthier, wealthier, better educated, more peaceful, more connected, and they are living longer."
Per Stephen Moore's 10/5/07 WSJ article, "Clear-Eyed Optimists."
Hillary is SO sincere...her laugh so true....Right !!! Watch these three youtube posts.

John Stewart who is a liberal version of our own Dennis Miller does some nice homework here previewing "sincerity" as acted out laughingly by Hillary on a Sunday morning talk show jog. If we have to live with this "sincerity" for four years...some will surely lose it. Here are three examples worthy of study:
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Nov. 13 NHRWC Mtg, SF, speaker: Melanie Morgan

Melanie Morgan, KSFO, will speak to the Nob Hill Republican Women's Club at their Nov. 13 noon luncheon meeting, held at the Waterfront Restaurant, SF. Cost is $42. If you want to make a donation to Melanie's organization,, you can include that in your luncheon check also. Pls indicate Stuffed Chicken Breast, or Grilled Salmon on your check, and mail your check to NHRWF, PO Box 26115, SF 94126. For info:, or 415-924-9991.
The Coming Geriatric Tsunami

Mike DeNunzio is former chairman of the SF Republican Party, who ran against Lynn Woolsey last election cycle. He has his own blog, Mike is a member of the California Commission on Aging, the principle advisory body to the Governor and the Legislature on issues for Elder Californians. He was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in January 2007 and serves on the Advocacy-Policy Committee.
He is also Campaign Manager for Dana Walsh, the energetic SF woman who is running against Nancy Pelosi for Congress.
He is also Campaign Manager for Dana Walsh, the energetic SF woman who is running against Nancy Pelosi for Congress.
Oct. 24 Marin Club speaker: Dana Walsh

Dana Walsh, the brave SF Republican who is running against Nancy Pelosi, will be speaking at the Marin Republican Women Federated's Oct. 24 luncheon. Lunch is $22.00. Checks are payable to MRWF. Social Hour begins at 11:30am, and lunch meeting begins at 12 noon. Rsvp to 472-7956 by Oct. 19.
See Dana's latest press release at
Go Dana!
See Dana's latest press release at
Go Dana!
Eleven Inconvenient Lies
Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’
By Noel Sheppard October 9, 2007 - 00:55 ET
Here's something American media are virtually guaranteed to not report: a British court has determined that Al Gore's schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" contains at least eleven material falsehoods.
It seems a safe bet Matt Lauer and Diane Sawyer won't be discussing this Tuesday morning, wouldn't you agree?
For those that haven't been following this case, a British truck driver filed a lawsuit to prevent the airing of Gore's alarmist detritus in England's public schools.
According to the website of the political party the plaintiff, Stewart Dimmock, belongs to (ecstatic emphasis added throughout, h/t Marc Morano):
In order for the film to be shown, the Government must first amend their Guidance Notes to Teachers to make clear that 1.) The Film is a political work and promotes only one side of the argument. 2.) If teachers present the Film without making this plain they may be in breach of section 406 of the Education Act 1996 and guilty of political indoctrination. 3.) Eleven inaccuracies have to be specifically drawn to the attention of school children.
How marvelous. And what are those inaccuracies?
The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.
In the end, a climate change skeptic in the States must hope that an American truck driver files such a lawsuit here so that a U.S. judge can make similar determinations.
Of course, even if one could find such an impartial jurist, our media wouldn't find it newsworthy, would they?
—Noel Sheppard is an economist, business owner, and Associate Editor of NewsBusters.
Monday, October 8, 2007
From $4.9b to $23.2b - Congress Hard at Work
From Wall St Journal OPINION Mon 10-8-07:
..."When Congress got around to authorizing the $4.9 billion in such civil works that the Corps [US Army Corps of Engineers] identified, here is what happened: The Senate passed a bill that cost roughly $14 billion, and the House a different bill at $15 billion. Then they got together in conference and compromised -- at $23.2 billion....
..."Mr. Bush will probably veto this monstrosity, but there's little doubt he'll be overridden. Most Republicans seem content to go along; the conference report moved out of the House 381-40 and the Senate 81-12. They're selling out twice. Democrats included GOP pork to ensure an override, weakening the Administration for the fall budget fights...."
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Oops, I missed this story
33 Senators Voted Against English as America's Official Language June 6,
Akaka (D-HI)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE) Wants to be President?
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Clinton (D-NY) Wants to be President?
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT) Wants to be President?
Domenici (R-NM) protecting his Senate seat...
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI) Not unusual for him
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA) Wanted to be President
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT) Disappointment here.....
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Obama (D-IL) Wants to be President?
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader
Salazar (D-CO)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Stabenow (D-M)
Full story...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Novato Club Brouhaha
Rumor has it that the Novato Republican Women Federated Club is trying to recruit Sue Campbell (Marin Club) to its Board for next year. They would be mighty lucky to have this hard-working, and uber-volunteer on their side. I'm not so sure it's a good deal for Sue, however, as the Novato Club Board seems to auto-rotate the same people in different jobs every year, so not much room for advancement.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Healthcare, Hospitals, and Me
Having just been released from a 3-day "vacation" in the Hospital, I have a few things to say! Actually, since this is the first day I've felt decent in 2 weeks, I'm itching to blog.
First, the Doctors and Nurses are angels, no doubt about that. But...the hospital bed is a torture chamber designed to make one feel worse than when admitted.
In one of my "feeling better" moments, I had a good conversation with the Doc on duty. (Turns out he spent 4 years in my hometown of Birmingham, and loves it!) I could not resist asking him about the state of healthcare, and I paraphrase what he said:
He doesn't think Americans will stand for a full, socialized system in this country.
His prognosis: We will eventually go to a system that covers all Americans with very basic healthcare, and then tiered healthcare according to one's ability to pay. We already have private-payer clinics that are doing well.
The #1 reason hospitals are going broke is that they must protect themselves from lawsuits, so he (the Doc) performs 4 unnecessary tests on a person, vs 1 test that most probably would suffice. The #2 reason is that hospitals must service all people, including uninsured. They are not allowed, by law, to ask the person's status, legal or illegal. (My note: having spent 6 hrs. in the Emergency Room, listening to all around me, I just don't believe that a hospital ER would turn anyone away who was injured, regardless of status. Just call me Pollyanna?)
The Doc sees fewer Americans entering medicine, and more foreign doctors coming to America to fill vacancies.
Best fix for our healthcare system: TORT REFORM.
News from Nashville
Thank you, Barbara, for inviting me to add some snippets about life here in Nashville (Al Gore country). As a Marinite recently relocated here I thought y'all would be interested in the progress of the green movement here in his hometown. Observation: Although Gore is revered as God-like in the SF Bay Area (and Marin particularly), he's not all that popular here. He's still trying to get the town of Belle Meade (Nashville's equivalent to Ross) to give him permission to install solar panels in his 10,000+ sq. ft house.
Much to Gore's probable chagrin, Nashville residents love their SUV's. The focus seems to be on buying the largest SUV one can find (Hummers, Suburbans, and those huge Cadillacs are very popular), driving the SUV as frequently as possible (even one block to school), and leaving it running for as long as possible with the A/C on, even up to 45 minutes while waiting in the car line to pick up kids. On the plus side, at least we don't have Cool the Earth taking over our childrens’ education...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Well, duh.
Sometime last week, I awoke to this statement on NPR (speaking about the new Supreme Court session):
"The conservative majority will continue to close the door to civil rights cases, but this should be welcome to business interest groups who are tired of lawsuits."The implication, of course, is that conservatives don't care about minorities or civil rights, and are only agents out to further the ruthless march of capitalism. (They also like to beat up homeless people and kill baby seals). While we are used to the simplifications and easy dichotomies of lazy journalism, statements such as these dangerously limit public discourse. They are spoken in passing, in the tone of "well, everyone knows..." They creep into otherwise reasoned analysis, and by their off-handedness seek to create fact and consensus. Just like how all liberals hate capitalism. See? I call this the "duh" statement, and it is a powerful, if dishonest, rhetorical tool. It isolates the listener by breezing over unsubstantiated facts. It's so obvious, it doesn't need to be explained. But it robs issues of subtlety and nuance, and seeks to discredit any opponents through the use of sweeping generalizations. This type of remark seems to be increasingly common, and it's difficult to argue with. You either seem petty for squabbling about one measly sentence, or you have to be extremely well-read about the subject because it shifts the burden of proof onto you. So while this gave me a much-needed laugh at 7am, this genre of rhetoric can be a powerful persuasive tool.
Who is keeping the DEA busy - click here

I found this site remarkable. DEA's most wanted. Just click the title above or copy and paste this link:
The universal "profiling" of the men of color here should have the ACLU howling. I am not sure the DEA is aware of the rules with regards to discrimination but the ACLU should remind them that in America "all people are created equal" and, therefore, all races, sex and sexual orientation needs to be represented not only in the work place but also in being targetted for prosecution. Sadly, it seems they only seem to be picking on men of color who happen to speak Spanish across the country and thats discrimination...again, according to the liberal mindset, there should be equal representation throughout. Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander I thought because we have been told thats why our fearless liberal thinkers put all of these anti discrimination laws on the books. So, here it is .... clear racism executed by our federal government....will someone please call the lawyers??
The universal "profiling" of the men of color here should have the ACLU howling. I am not sure the DEA is aware of the rules with regards to discrimination but the ACLU should remind them that in America "all people are created equal" and, therefore, all races, sex and sexual orientation needs to be represented not only in the work place but also in being targetted for prosecution. Sadly, it seems they only seem to be picking on men of color who happen to speak Spanish across the country and thats discrimination...again, according to the liberal mindset, there should be equal representation throughout. Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander I thought because we have been told thats why our fearless liberal thinkers put all of these anti discrimination laws on the books. So, here it is .... clear racism executed by our federal government....will someone please call the lawyers??
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Mark Hill in WSJ

Some parents object to what they see as proselytizing by their kids' schools. Mark D. Hill, who until recently was chairman of the Republican party in Marin County, says some mothers called him upset when their children came home from Bacich Elementary School in Kentfield, Calif., with fliers stuffed in their backpacks advertising a screening of "An Inconvenient Truth." The parents thought the public school shouldn't promote the screening, which was paid for by a local parent, because they considered it a political statement.
Sally Peck, the principal of Bacich, disagrees. "We have a responsibility to educate our children," she says.
Mr. Hill says the mothers worried their children would be criticized if they spoke out, so they kept their names secret. "It's very scary for mothers," he says. "They kind of go with the programs because they don't want to be viewed as trouble-makers."
Update on Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, Maricopa Co. Sheriff, Author Unknown

He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.
He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails.
Took away their weights.
Cut off all but "G" movies.
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.
Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.
He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal cour torder that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again, only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel. When asked why the weather channel he replied, "So they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs."
He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value. When the inmates complained, he told them,"This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back."
He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.
More on the Arizona Sheriff: With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jailhave been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts. On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before. Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their pink socks. "It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 year. "It's inhumane."
Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!"

Sheriff Joe was just reelected Sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sonoma Republican Party Barbeque - Oct. 6
Sonoma County Republican Party is having a Barbeque Sat., Oct. 6, 4pm - 6pm, at Russ Green's Vineyard in Healdsburg - live music, food, beverages, prizes, and fun for the whole family. Special Guest is Shawn Steel, Former Chairman of the CA Republican Party, and Candidate for Republican National Committeeman from CA. Assembly Candidate Dr. Sam Wakim is confirmed. Other invited guests: Supervisor Paul Kelley, and Petaluma Councilman Mike Harris.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Danoodle's NYC blogger begins UN gig
Saturday, September 22, 2007
San Diego County Pension Woes....County tells public employees.."You Pay for it !" while those that gave it away are facing felony charges !!

San Diego public employee abuse of taxpayers is no different than Marin County's except they are now bankrupt and many of the union bosses and conflicted policy makers are awaiting trial on FELONY charges while taxpayers are left with a mess. One solution: Unions should pay for this mess.
Retirees could cover pension-perk shortfall
Sanders blasts low fees for more years of credit
By Jennifer VigilSTAFF WRITER
September 22, 2007
SAN DIEGO – Mayor Jerry Sanders, angry over the San Diego pension system's formal admission yesterday that prior retirement boards undervalued a special employee perk, opened up the possibility that the burden of the $146 million shortfall could be placed on current and future retirees.
The sum represents about 15 percent of the city's $1 billion unfunded pension liability, a debt that has led to five years of financial and legal turmoil and protracted conflicts between elected officials and employees.
Advertisement The announcement marked a vindication of sorts for City Attorney Michael Aguirre, who has long made the case that the city was bearing an unfair share of the expense of a program that allowed employees to purchase credit for up to five years in which they did not work.
Aguirre also has said benefit increases granted in 1996 and 2002 are illegal, but courts have soundly rejected the contention. He is appealing the decision.
Sanders and Aguirre have stood by each other's side while criticizing the city's previous handling of the pension fund, but recent spats over development and water conservation have caused tension.
The mayor – who left City Hall early after an emotional week in which he reversed his stance and supported same-sex marriage – issued a late afternoon statement in which he called the low fees employees were charged for additional years of credit “completely unacceptable.”
Aguirre was unaware of the development, as the mayor's office prepared to ask him to evaluate the city's options. Although he has criticized the pension fund's board and administration at almost every turn, Aguirre said he would “work with whomever, whenever if it means less for taxpayers to have to pay.”
A pension specialist working for the retirement system found last month that the shortfall on the purchase-of-service program rose to $20 million by 2000, then jumped dramatically – by $126 million – in three years. That mirrors other estimates offered by consultants in 2004 and 2006.
Pensions are calculated using a formula that includes the number of years worked and the final salary earned by employees. Increasing one of the factors allows workers to receive higher payments once they retire.
From 1997 to November 2003, employees paid 15 percent to 26 percent of their annual salary to obtain each extra year of credit. The pension board raised prices in late 2003, to 27 percent to 50 percent of salary. The fund's liability has not risen due to the program since.
More than 3,200 current city employees have participated in the program. Aguirre said the city's options include trimming the share of the city's annual payment to the pension system that is applied to the credits.
That could shift the responsibility to retirees, who could be given the option of paying the difference in price or giving up the credits. Rebecca Wilson, a pension spokeswoman, said the system will host meetings within the next two months to give fund contributors a chance to weigh in on the next step.
An early version of the mayor's news release accused former board members – most of whom, until 2005, were city employees – of committing “conscious acts” in pricing the credits incorrectly. Sanders' staff later dropped the accusation.
Six former pension board members are facing felony charges stemming from their votes on retirement fund matters, but Steve Robinson, a prosecutor in the District Attorney's Office, said his case is strictly focused on actions allegedly taken in 2002 and probably won't be widened.
“It's very unlikely there would be an inquiry unless there was new information,” Robinson said.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Senator Migden says - Go away so I can push my "values" .

State Sen. Migden’s comments in the IJ just make my blood boil.First, she thinks it’s not only her right to pick her voters (which was accomplished under the corrupt redistricting plan that the Legislature refuses to reform, despite demands from even left-wing organs like the SF Comicle) but now she thinks she should be “unopposed”. Talk about freaking hubris….
Second, she’s convinced she’s done a “really good job” and says her job is to “spread our values”!!!! Since when is it the job of an elected official to “spread values”? Let alone the alternative lifestyle “values” she’s embracing?
Lastly, she wants top raise taxes and give more money to “education”, read: CTA (one of the most powerful special interests in the state), without mentioning that education gets about 60% of the entire budget now, or the god-awful results our public schools in Cal. have produced.
"You're Fired" from Marin Club
The Marin Club fired a second, long-time Board Member, Sue Campbell, by not nominating her to the '08 slate that will stand for election. The current Board shifted jobs for next year in order to comply with their Bylaws, but the Nominating Committee did not ask Sue to remain on the Board.
Sue is currently VP in charge of speakers for the monthly meetings, (a particularly time-consuming, and apparently thankless, job.) Sue's talents will be missed; she has done a stellar job in arranging interesting speakers, and also getting publicity for the monthly meetings. She was previously Membership Chair.
Why the Marin Club wants to "fire" their Volunteers who put in countless hours to help the Marin Republican Women Federated is a mystery to Danoodle.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
What Celebrities Teach Us About the Nanny State
Gillian Duke, Danoodle NY HQ
Hark! “Celebrities” and the media that follow them might just serve a purpose after all. Britney, Lindsay and Paris, and their various rehab and legal troubles, actually offer us a glimpse into the world of court-ordered rehab and First Amendment violations.
This item about Spears’ custody battle is illuminating. US Weekly (that bastion of accurate and serious reporting) writes that a judge ruled today that Britney can keep partial custody of her children, if she complies with a list of court mandates including meeting with a parenting coach 8 hours a week to observe her parenting skills and twice-weekly random drugs and alcohol tests.
I know nothing about Britney Spears, and I have no opinion about her parenting skills. But I do find it interesting that the court system can mandate such obviously invasive procedures as a result of a custody case. Perhaps this would be acceptable after a full child-services investigation (though there are legitimate questions about that as well), but such measures as a result of a divorce case seem like an extreme example of the courts overreaching their jurisdiction.
Also according to US weekly, Britney and Kevin (how do I even know his name??) cannot make derogatory statements about each other. Is that not a violation of the First Amendment? Perhaps the court is employing the logic of driver’s licenses; having children is a privilege, not a right? Both options offer insight into the power of the courts.
This first occurred to me when I came across an article mentioning that Lindsay Lohan was wearing a court-ordered Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (or SCRAM). Reuters tells us that SCRAM is used in,
Lohan’s coke-pants incident also highlights some legal quirks: her previous rehab attempts help her case. They show that she is struggling with addiction, and historically judges are more lenient on addicts than on your normal weekend drug-user. Paris Hilton’s DUI case is another example. If you are to believe the reports, it can sometimes take only one drink to fail a Breathalyzer. This might be good information to know should you run into one of Beverly Hills’ festive Christmas roadblocks, designed to capture those driving “under the influence.” While we would never advocate drunk-driving, we are beginning to wonder what exactly constitutes “drunk” these days (and if the taxi lobby is somehow behind it…) We hear sugar and caffeine are addictive substances too - are they sufficiently "influential"?
If you argue loudly enough, you can find a public-safety justification for just about any law (no handheld cell phones in cars, anyone? Children under 12 must ride in the back seat? No smoking in PG-13 movies? We could go on…) And history shows that capricious states are willing to enforce laws that compromise individual freedom (the anti-contraceptive law which led to Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) and established the right-to-privacy doctrine.)
In tandem with this morning’s hearings about wire-tapping abroad, our privacy at home is worth scrutinizing too. It’s just funny that we have to hear about it through LaLohan.
Picture via and MSNBC
Hark! “Celebrities” and the media that follow them might just serve a purpose after all. Britney, Lindsay and Paris, and their various rehab and legal troubles, actually offer us a glimpse into the world of court-ordered rehab and First Amendment violations.

I know nothing about Britney Spears, and I have no opinion about her parenting skills. But I do find it interesting that the court system can mandate such obviously invasive procedures as a result of a custody case. Perhaps this would be acceptable after a full child-services investigation (though there are legitimate questions about that as well), but such measures as a result of a divorce case seem like an extreme example of the courts overreaching their jurisdiction.
Also according to US weekly, Britney and Kevin (how do I even know his name??) cannot make derogatory statements about each other. Is that not a violation of the First Amendment? Perhaps the court is employing the logic of driver’s licenses; having children is a privilege, not a right? Both options offer insight into the power of the courts.
This first occurred to me when I came across an article mentioning that Lindsay Lohan was wearing a court-ordered Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (or SCRAM). Reuters tells us that SCRAM is used in,
“Court-ordered rehabilitation programs of 43 states. About 40,000 people nationwide have used the device, some of them voluntarily…Worn around the lower leg or ankle, the monitor detects whether a person has been drinking by measuring the evaporation of alcohol from perspiration on the surface of the individual's skin, using essentially the same technology as a Breathalyzer.If it weren’t for Lohan, we never would have known this system existed. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as court-ordered rehab. It's mildly disconcerting that a judge can order someone to go to rehab and wear a bracelet monitoring their intake of a legal substance.
Data from the device is then transmitted electronically to the company's field operations personnel, who in turn furnish the information to a probation officer, counselor or other person assigned to oversee the patient's recovery.”
Lohan’s coke-pants incident also highlights some legal quirks: her previous rehab attempts help her case. They show that she is struggling with addiction, and historically judges are more lenient on addicts than on your normal weekend drug-user. Paris Hilton’s DUI case is another example. If you are to believe the reports, it can sometimes take only one drink to fail a Breathalyzer. This might be good information to know should you run into one of Beverly Hills’ festive Christmas roadblocks, designed to capture those driving “under the influence.” While we would never advocate drunk-driving, we are beginning to wonder what exactly constitutes “drunk” these days (and if the taxi lobby is somehow behind it…) We hear sugar and caffeine are addictive substances too - are they sufficiently "influential"?
If you argue loudly enough, you can find a public-safety justification for just about any law (no handheld cell phones in cars, anyone? Children under 12 must ride in the back seat? No smoking in PG-13 movies? We could go on…) And history shows that capricious states are willing to enforce laws that compromise individual freedom (the anti-contraceptive law which led to Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) and established the right-to-privacy doctrine.)
In tandem with this morning’s hearings about wire-tapping abroad, our privacy at home is worth scrutinizing too. It’s just funny that we have to hear about it through LaLohan.
Picture via and MSNBC
Monday, September 17, 2007
Elephant Talk added to
I've just added Deke Welch's ELEPHANT TALK, August 2007, as a .pdf file. There is some useful info in this edition on upcoming November elections. Don't miss! ET is a terrific addition to Danoodle. Thanks, Deke.
I've added a Campaign Directory to a new page at Danoodle - Election 08. Email me at if you have any additions to the Directory. I need to fill in the blanks.
Also, I've added a Fav Quotes page, where I'm parking the Julia Roberts "repugnant" quote...should never be forgotten or relegated to the wastebin.
I've added a Campaign Directory to a new page at Danoodle - Election 08. Email me at if you have any additions to the Directory. I need to fill in the blanks.
Also, I've added a Fav Quotes page, where I'm parking the Julia Roberts "repugnant" quote...should never be forgotten or relegated to the wastebin.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Who is in charge here? by Mark Hill, former Chairman and current member, Marin Republican Party

This recent article about the Marin County public union pension fund advisor and her cronies giving her an unprecedented 40% increase (ummmm...remember, when SHE retires that will be for lifetime benefits too !) is just mind boggling. Even with the increased scrutiny from County taxpayers, the press and lawsuits going against this unmitigated rip off of taxpayers, the union bosses have no shame. Who is in charge of the oversight here one should (and have) ask? Well, its kind of hard to tell from the quotes embedded in this article:
Pensions - Marin County style.
Who is in charge here? By Mark Hill, former Chairman and current member, Marin Republican Party. Blog posted Sunday, 9/16/07. This recent article about the Marin County public union pension fund advisor and her cronies giving her an unprecedented 40% increase (ummmm...remember, when SHE retires that will be for lifetime benefits too !) is just mind boggling. Even with the increased scrutiny from County taxpayers, the press and lawsuits going against this unmitigated rip off of taxpayers, the union bosses have no shame. Who is in charge of the oversight here one should (and have) ask? Well, its kind of hard to tell from the quotes embedded in this article:
MARIN IJ "Supervisor Charles McGlashan, a member of the retirement board, said it's time to look into setting up the pension system as an independent agency. ..."It just creates all kinds of morale problems," McGlashan said Wednesday, before the pension board met for two hours behind closed doors to discuss the issue. He noted that supervisors are being unfairly criticized for a raise that they did not set or have any say in setting. The pension board is made up largely of employees and retirees who benefit from the system they oversee. McGlashan and county Treasurer Michael Smith are the only representatives elected by taxpayers, who last year contributed more than $48 million."
Soooooo.....the County has an unfunded pension liability, (to be paid by Marin County taxpayers..who elected Charles McGlashan to represent them....) of over $700 million and growing and our Supervisor thinks there NOW might be a need for independent oversight? De facto, he is admitting he isn't independent...he's not, he is a public employee too .. owned lock stock and barrell by the Marin County public employee union bosses. Um are over to $700 million in give aways TOO LATE.
MARIN IJ "Pension board members refused to disclose any specifics about Wednesday's private session, but after the meeting Smith called the discussion "very tense."Board president Sandy White, a county employee, declined to comment.The pension board's attorney, Linda M. Balok, also declined to comment after the closed-door meeting called to discuss "potential litigation." "
No surprise here...these are all public employees and are part of the public employee UNIONS ...get it? They don't care about taxpayers....thats what our Supervisors should be doing. But they don't and won't unless the cost of doing nothing is higher (letting the Union bosses run things ) than doing something...thankfully we are about there. The public and Marin County taxpayers are outraged as they should be.
MARIN IJ "McGlashan, during a public part of the Civic Center meeting, advanced his proposal to end the longstanding relationship in which pension program workers are considered county employees, even though they are paid by a pension system that has a separate budget and board of directors.
That bureaucratic relationship led to Benner getting a twin set of raises. The pension board approved a three-year, 30 percent increase; also, supervisors approved three years of raises, totaling as much as 13 percent, for Benner and other county department heads.The raises put Benner on a pay pace to be one of the 10 highest-paid county workers. By 2009, her annual pay could hit $239,343. She is now paid $166,046 a year.McGlashan said supervisors were not aware of the pension board pay hike until it wound up on their agenda for their endorsement. He was not at the pension board meeting when it voted to approve the raise, but he has said he would have supported it."
Again, where was leadership here before? The union bosses are the tune of $700mm by gaming the system so there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY. All of our Supervisors look like a long game of Twister ...blaming everyone but the ones who are responsible: themselves. This game of nods and winks at taxpayer expense should be illegal if it isn't already....the jury is still out on that one in a lawsuit in Orange County against their Supervisors and Public Union Bosses !
MARIN IJ "Supervisor Hal Brown on Tuesday said the pension board should be asked to reconsider and "modify" Benner's pay increase.Supervisors have been told by their lawyers that they have no say over the raise approved by the pension board, but they don't like being politically "tagged" for voting to ratify it, McGlashan said. "
UMMM...where is President Truman when you need him? Where does "the buck stop" Mr. Brown and McGlashan? As I see it, the answer has been clear...the public employee union bosses.
MARIN IJ "He has not complained about the raise, just the bureaucratic process that places supervisors in a position of having to ratify a pay hike over which they have no say.Benner's raise has turned into a political hot potato. Three supervisors - McGlashan, Brown and Steve Kinsey - face re-election in June 2008.McGlashan said there is support among the supervisors to look into getting out of the business of ratifying hirings and wages for the pension board, which has nine other member agencies besides the county."
This is ridiculous.....the Supervisor's solution to the public union boss' $700 million rip off of the Marin County Taxpayers?? Simple: "Run and Hide." One can hardly ignore the fact that none of the Supervisors are openly challenging the unions ... even today !!
MARIN IJ "Benner and County Administrator Matthew Hymel met Tuesday to discuss the matter. Hymel has told supervisors that it would take state legislation to turn the pension system into an independent special district.Benner said San Bernardino County just went through a similar process for its public pension system.She said it appears to be a natural evolution for public pension programs in California."
The Public Employees Union is a STATEWIDE organization. Every county is going through this process because all of the County public employee unions are doing the same thing Statewide. Not only is it bankrupting Marin, but it HAS bankrupted San Diego, Ventura County and many others. There is no "natural evolution" here...this is a sophisticated gaming of our County and State governments by the Union bosses to take untold billions from State and County taxpayers at the expense of our schools, roads, environment and needy people.
MARIN IJ "In Marin, it is a process that began last year with County Counsel Patrick Faulkner's decision to step down as the pension board's lawyer, a job that his office had held for many decades.Faulkner said the pension board needed its own separate legal counsel as he couldn't represent both the county and the pension board if there was a dispute between the two."
Sorry for being slow, but wasn't Patrick Faulkner (oh yes...a public employee too) conflicted when he "ok'd" the very retirement benefits that are now bankrupting our County? He should have recused himself from the beginning. All agreements made with his sign off should all be re visited due to this conflict which he NOW readily admits to. Hello.... District Attorney is anybody home???
MARIN IJ "McGlashan said making the pension system an independent district would be similar to the Transportation Authority of Marin, on which the county has representation, but its board and management decisions are independent from the county.For years, retirement system workers have been considered county employees, even though they are paid by the pension system."
Let me get this straight, actually, forget it....there is no straight about it...I am cross eyed by it. Can't those that supposedly represent us, present taxpayers with a straight answer, accountability and oversight??? If not, why not? Answer: THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNION BOSSES and the Marin County Supervisors who are beholden to them.
MARIN IJ "McGlashan on Tuesday said it's time to consider "disconnecting the type of awkward oversight" role in which supervisors find themselves. The pension system should be "a completely independent body," he said. "
REALLY Mr. McGlashan? Well the question is where have you been? Welcome to the party. We are in the hole over $700mm already.
MARIN IJ "I don't understand why we have anything to do with this," Supervisor Susan Adams said. "This shouldn't even show up on our agendas."
Oh Ms. Adams - It is showing up on your agenda because the Unions set it up that way and with your and all of your colleagues' approvals, it has now cost this County over $700 mm in unfunded liabilities. To put it more bluntly, its your job.
MARIN IJ "Pension board member James Phillips said Wednesday there are no plans to change Benner's contract or to reduce the pay hikes she's been promised.He said the controversy started because the pension board did not confer with the county before it raised Benner's pay. He added that Benner's job is a unique position as it oversees a diversified portfolio that exceeds $1.5 billion."It's not similar to any other position in the county," he said.He praised Benner, who took over the pension's top job in 2005. "She very competent. She's very good. She's very smart," he said."
Well this is great oversight, one public union employee complementing another public union employee for giving away yet more taxpayer money. I remind all, that if this was a business, this "Company" of less than 5000 people would be over $1 billion in debt with not a hint of an idea (except increases) of how to pay it off.
MARIN IJ "Another board member, Allen Haim, said he was dismayed at moves to separate the pension program from the county."It's been a county family," said Haim, a former assistant county counsel who represents retirees on the pension board. "We're together, whether you separate us out or not.""
We are family???? The County has over 100,000 residents. These 3000 current employees (40% retiring in less than five years) and 2000 plus retirees, have taken their "family members" (that would be us) for over $700 mm. And like any bully, his last line wins its all: "We're together (aka "you are going to have to pay all this money we forced or tricked your Supervisors into paying us..$700mm) whether you separate us out or not". GOD HELP US.
I salute the Fourth Estate ... the Marin IJ ..... for their never ending and great coverage of this travesty. Cheers. mhSee "Pension chief in line for 44% pay raise" by Brad Breithaupt, Marin IJ, Monday, Aug. 27.
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