I found this site remarkable. DEA's most wanted. Just click the title above or copy and paste this link: http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/fugitives/fuglist.htm
The universal "profiling" of the men of color here should have the ACLU howling. I am not sure the DEA is aware of the rules with regards to discrimination but the ACLU should remind them that in America "all people are created equal" and, therefore, all races, sex and sexual orientation needs to be represented not only in the work place but also in being targetted for prosecution. Sadly, it seems they only seem to be picking on men of color who happen to speak Spanish across the country and thats discrimination...again, according to the liberal mindset, there should be equal representation throughout. Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander I thought because we have been told thats why our fearless liberal thinkers put all of these anti discrimination laws on the books. So, here it is .... clear racism executed by our federal government....will someone please call the lawyers??
The universal "profiling" of the men of color here should have the ACLU howling. I am not sure the DEA is aware of the rules with regards to discrimination but the ACLU should remind them that in America "all people are created equal" and, therefore, all races, sex and sexual orientation needs to be represented not only in the work place but also in being targetted for prosecution. Sadly, it seems they only seem to be picking on men of color who happen to speak Spanish across the country and thats discrimination...again, according to the liberal mindset, there should be equal representation throughout. Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander I thought because we have been told thats why our fearless liberal thinkers put all of these anti discrimination laws on the books. So, here it is .... clear racism executed by our federal government....will someone please call the lawyers??