by Mary Anne Gilles, Novato Club (NRWF)
At 6am, Thursday, September 27th, I got in my silver fox and headed to Palm Springs to attend the National Convention for the GOP Women. I arrived at the Wyndham Hotel at 4pm to find the registration had been re-scheduled for Friday at 11am. So, off I went to the California Suite to drop off the case of wine I was donating, but was unable to do that. I finally got to my condo in Palm Springs, and off to the famous Thursday Night Market on Palm Canyon Drive.
Friday morning, my goal was to register and check out the vendors, and find out what was on the agenda and who the speakers would be. It turned out that the speakers were not very good at best. I strongly felt that the overall management of the Convention was rather lame, so I did not attend the workshops; I scoped out the convention center, and went to lunch.
After a nice few hours by the pool in the lovely Palm Springs sunshine, I got dressed in my silver and black and went to the Gala. The Gala was probably the best event of the entire convention - Follow the Stars to Palm Springs, a fashion show was presented by David Hayes, a wonderful review of Hollywood Revisted was given with a tribute to Costume Design from old Hollywood. Rhonda Fleming gave a brief address, and I did meet her after the show, a lovely GOP Lady.
I spent all day on Saturday at the general session, sitting in the alternate voting section for our State, heard Rudy Giuliani give a thirty minute speech, heard a wonderful speaker, Connie Podesta, regarding women power. The vote to raise the national dues passed for $3.00 per member. The new slate of officers was voted on and several officers found a vote was needed for the decision of who would serve. The lunch speaker was Mary Bono, the local Congresswoman, who supports Rudy Giuliani.
I worked as a volunteer for a workshop on Saturday afternoon, and spent the evening at the Ohio and California Suites. I did find someone to give my case of wine to, and they were so thankful that I truly felt good about giving the California wine to the California Suite. I had a nice visit with fellow Californians including a fellow retired military spouse, the Chair for the Convention, Diane McGlinchey.
The Sunday general session was called to order by President Beverly Davis, Utah. By the end of the day, the new President, Shirley Sadler, Ohio, closed the meeting. The speaker at the closing luncheon was Gregg Jackson, who spoke about conservative comebacks to liberal lies. The food at this lunch was very good; the food at the gala was not good at all.
Sunday afternoon found me at the Palm Springs Museum where I did my field work for my Master's in Cultural Anthropology. I love that museum for all the wonderful Native American artifacts.
Sunday evening was spent with Novato members at an outdoor restaurant.
Monday morning was a quick tour of the Stars Homes of the Valley, and then on to Solvang for an overnight stop to get my fix of Danish food and check out the shops. Got home around 7pm after a very long, tiring drive. Why don't I fly? Next Time! Speaking of next time, I loved the Nashville Convention in 2005, not too pleased with this one in 2007, therefore time will tell if I will "fly" to the 2009 Convention in Orlando, FL.
I do plan to go back to Palm Springs this winter and just enjoy!
At 6am, Thursday, September 27th, I got in my silver fox and headed to Palm Springs to attend the National Convention for the GOP Women. I arrived at the Wyndham Hotel at 4pm to find the registration had been re-scheduled for Friday at 11am. So, off I went to the California Suite to drop off the case of wine I was donating, but was unable to do that. I finally got to my condo in Palm Springs, and off to the famous Thursday Night Market on Palm Canyon Drive.
Friday morning, my goal was to register and check out the vendors, and find out what was on the agenda and who the speakers would be. It turned out that the speakers were not very good at best. I strongly felt that the overall management of the Convention was rather lame, so I did not attend the workshops; I scoped out the convention center, and went to lunch.
After a nice few hours by the pool in the lovely Palm Springs sunshine, I got dressed in my silver and black and went to the Gala. The Gala was probably the best event of the entire convention - Follow the Stars to Palm Springs, a fashion show was presented by David Hayes, a wonderful review of Hollywood Revisted was given with a tribute to Costume Design from old Hollywood. Rhonda Fleming gave a brief address, and I did meet her after the show, a lovely GOP Lady.
I spent all day on Saturday at the general session, sitting in the alternate voting section for our State, heard Rudy Giuliani give a thirty minute speech, heard a wonderful speaker, Connie Podesta, regarding women power. The vote to raise the national dues passed for $3.00 per member. The new slate of officers was voted on and several officers found a vote was needed for the decision of who would serve. The lunch speaker was Mary Bono, the local Congresswoman, who supports Rudy Giuliani.
I worked as a volunteer for a workshop on Saturday afternoon, and spent the evening at the Ohio and California Suites. I did find someone to give my case of wine to, and they were so thankful that I truly felt good about giving the California wine to the California Suite. I had a nice visit with fellow Californians including a fellow retired military spouse, the Chair for the Convention, Diane McGlinchey.
The Sunday general session was called to order by President Beverly Davis, Utah. By the end of the day, the new President, Shirley Sadler, Ohio, closed the meeting. The speaker at the closing luncheon was Gregg Jackson, who spoke about conservative comebacks to liberal lies. The food at this lunch was very good; the food at the gala was not good at all.
Sunday afternoon found me at the Palm Springs Museum where I did my field work for my Master's in Cultural Anthropology. I love that museum for all the wonderful Native American artifacts.
Sunday evening was spent with Novato members at an outdoor restaurant.
Monday morning was a quick tour of the Stars Homes of the Valley, and then on to Solvang for an overnight stop to get my fix of Danish food and check out the shops. Got home around 7pm after a very long, tiring drive. Why don't I fly? Next Time! Speaking of next time, I loved the Nashville Convention in 2005, not too pleased with this one in 2007, therefore time will tell if I will "fly" to the 2009 Convention in Orlando, FL.
I do plan to go back to Palm Springs this winter and just enjoy!