Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mark Hill in WSJ

Congrats, Mark, for fighting the good fight! And getting mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.

Some parents object to what they see as proselytizing by their kids' schools. Mark D. Hill, who until recently was chairman of the Republican party in Marin County, says some mothers called him upset when their children came home from Bacich Elementary School in Kentfield, Calif., with fliers stuffed in their backpacks advertising a screening of "An Inconvenient Truth." The parents thought the public school shouldn't promote the screening, which was paid for by a local parent, because they considered it a political statement.

Sally Peck, the principal of Bacich, disagrees. "We have a responsibility to educate our children," she says.

Mr. Hill says the mothers worried their children would be criticized if they spoke out, so they kept their names secret. "It's very scary for mothers," he says. "They kind of go with the programs because they don't want to be viewed as trouble-makers."

Update on Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, Maricopa Co. Sheriff, Author Unknown


THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (in Arizona) who created the "tent city jail":
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.
He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails.
Took away their weights.
Cut off all but "G" movies.
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.
Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.
He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal cour torder that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again, only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel. When asked why the weather channel he replied, "So they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs."
He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value. When the inmates complained, he told them,"This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back."
He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.

More on the Arizona Sheriff: With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jailhave been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts. On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before. Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their pink socks. "It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 year. "It's inhumane."

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!"

Way to go, Sheriff! Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.

Sheriff Joe was just reelected Sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sonoma Republican Party Barbeque - Oct. 6

Sonoma County Republican Party is having a Barbeque Sat., Oct. 6, 4pm - 6pm, at Russ Green's Vineyard in Healdsburg - live music, food, beverages, prizes, and fun for the whole family. Special Guest is Shawn Steel, Former Chairman of the CA Republican Party, and Candidate for Republican National Committeeman from CA. Assembly Candidate Dr. Sam Wakim is confirmed. Other invited guests: Supervisor Paul Kelley, and Petaluma Councilman Mike Harris.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Danoodle's NYC blogger begins UN gig

Gillian Duke, at Danoodle hq's in NYC, has started a gig at the UN. Looking forward to Gillian's blogs from the organization Danoodlers love to hate. Can we hear sweetest words in nyc, Press Pass ?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

San Diego County Pension Woes....County tells public employees.."You Pay for it !" while those that gave it away are facing felony charges !!

San Diego public employee abuse of taxpayers is no different than Marin County's except they are now bankrupt and many of the union bosses and conflicted policy makers are awaiting trial on FELONY charges while taxpayers are left with a mess. One solution: Unions should pay for this mess.

Retirees could cover pension-perk shortfall
Sanders blasts low fees for more years of credit
By Jennifer VigilSTAFF WRITER
September 22, 2007
SAN DIEGO – Mayor Jerry Sanders, angry over the San Diego pension system's formal admission yesterday that prior retirement boards undervalued a special employee perk, opened up the possibility that the burden of the $146 million shortfall could be placed on current and future retirees.
The sum represents about 15 percent of the city's $1 billion unfunded pension liability, a debt that has led to five years of financial and legal turmoil and protracted conflicts between elected officials and employees.
Advertisement The announcement marked a vindication of sorts for City Attorney Michael Aguirre, who has long made the case that the city was bearing an unfair share of the expense of a program that allowed employees to purchase credit for up to five years in which they did not work.
Aguirre also has said benefit increases granted in 1996 and 2002 are illegal, but courts have soundly rejected the contention. He is appealing the decision.
Sanders and Aguirre have stood by each other's side while criticizing the city's previous handling of the pension fund, but recent spats over development and water conservation have caused tension.
The mayor – who left City Hall early after an emotional week in which he reversed his stance and supported same-sex marriage – issued a late afternoon statement in which he called the low fees employees were charged for additional years of credit “completely unacceptable.”
Aguirre was unaware of the development, as the mayor's office prepared to ask him to evaluate the city's options. Although he has criticized the pension fund's board and administration at almost every turn, Aguirre said he would “work with whomever, whenever if it means less for taxpayers to have to pay.”
A pension specialist working for the retirement system found last month that the shortfall on the purchase-of-service program rose to $20 million by 2000, then jumped dramatically – by $126 million – in three years. That mirrors other estimates offered by consultants in 2004 and 2006.
Pensions are calculated using a formula that includes the number of years worked and the final salary earned by employees. Increasing one of the factors allows workers to receive higher payments once they retire.
From 1997 to November 2003, employees paid 15 percent to 26 percent of their annual salary to obtain each extra year of credit. The pension board raised prices in late 2003, to 27 percent to 50 percent of salary. The fund's liability has not risen due to the program since.
More than 3,200 current city employees have participated in the program. Aguirre said the city's options include trimming the share of the city's annual payment to the pension system that is applied to the credits.
That could shift the responsibility to retirees, who could be given the option of paying the difference in price or giving up the credits. Rebecca Wilson, a pension spokeswoman, said the system will host meetings within the next two months to give fund contributors a chance to weigh in on the next step.
An early version of the mayor's news release accused former board members – most of whom, until 2005, were city employees – of committing “conscious acts” in pricing the credits incorrectly. Sanders' staff later dropped the accusation.
Six former pension board members are facing felony charges stemming from their votes on retirement fund matters, but Steve Robinson, a prosecutor in the District Attorney's Office, said his case is strictly focused on actions allegedly taken in 2002 and probably won't be widened.
“It's very unlikely there would be an inquiry unless there was new information,” Robinson said.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Senator Migden says - Go away so I can push my "values" .

I received this from a committed Republican Marin County resident and father of two who took issue with our "driving challenged" State Senator quotes today in the Marin IJ...just click the title above to see the article:


State Sen. Migden’s comments in the IJ just make my blood boil.

First, she thinks it’s not only her right to pick her voters (which was accomplished under the corrupt redistricting plan that the Legislature refuses to reform, despite demands from even left-wing organs like the SF Comicle) but now she thinks she should be “unopposed”. Talk about freaking hubris….

Second, she’s convinced she’s done a “really good job” and says her job is to “spread our values”!!!! Since when is it the job of an elected official to “spread values”? Let alone the alternative lifestyle “values” she’s embracing?

Lastly, she wants top raise taxes and give more money to “education”, read: CTA (one of the most powerful special interests in the state), without mentioning that education gets about 60% of the entire budget now, or the god-awful results our public schools in Cal. have produced.


"You're Fired" from Marin Club

The Marin Club fired a second, long-time Board Member, Sue Campbell, by not nominating her to the '08 slate that will stand for election. The current Board shifted jobs for next year in order to comply with their Bylaws, but the Nominating Committee did not ask Sue to remain on the Board. Sue is currently VP in charge of speakers for the monthly meetings, (a particularly time-consuming, and apparently thankless, job.) Sue's talents will be missed; she has done a stellar job in arranging interesting speakers, and also getting publicity for the monthly meetings. She was previously Membership Chair. Why the Marin Club wants to "fire" their Volunteers who put in countless hours to help the Marin Republican Women Federated is a mystery to Danoodle.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What Celebrities Teach Us About the Nanny State

Gillian Duke, Danoodle NY HQ

Hark! “Celebrities” and the media that follow them might just serve a purpose after all. Britney, Lindsay and Paris, and their various rehab and legal troubles, actually offer us a glimpse into the world of court-ordered rehab and First Amendment violations.

This item about Spears’ custody battle is illuminating. US Weekly (that bastion of accurate and serious reporting) writes that a judge ruled today that Britney can keep partial custody of her children, if she complies with a list of court mandates including meeting with a parenting coach 8 hours a week to observe her parenting skills and twice-weekly random drugs and alcohol tests.

I know nothing about Britney Spears, and I have no opinion about her parenting skills. But I do find it interesting that the court system can mandate such obviously invasive procedures as a result of a custody case. Perhaps this would be acceptable after a full child-services investigation (though there are legitimate questions about that as well), but such measures as a result of a divorce case seem like an extreme example of the courts overreaching their jurisdiction.

Also according to US weekly, Britney and Kevin (how do I even know his name??) cannot make derogatory statements about each other. Is that not a violation of the First Amendment? Perhaps the court is employing the logic of driver’s licenses; having children is a privilege, not a right? Both options offer insight into the power of the courts.

This first occurred to me when I came across an article mentioning that Lindsay Lohan was wearing a court-ordered Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (or SCRAM). Reuters tells us that SCRAM is used in,

“Court-ordered rehabilitation programs of 43 states. About 40,000 people nationwide have used the device, some of them voluntarily…Worn around the lower leg or ankle, the monitor detects whether a person has been drinking by measuring the evaporation of alcohol from perspiration on the surface of the individual's skin, using essentially the same technology as a Breathalyzer.

Data from the device is then transmitted electronically to the company's field operations personnel, who in turn furnish the information to a probation officer, counselor or other person assigned to oversee the patient's recovery.”
If it weren’t for Lohan, we never would have known this system existed. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as court-ordered rehab. It's mildly disconcerting that a judge can order someone to go to rehab and wear a bracelet monitoring their intake of a legal substance.

Lohan’s coke-pants incident also highlights some legal quirks: her previous rehab attempts help her case. They show that she is struggling with addiction, and historically judges are more lenient on addicts than on your normal weekend drug-user. Paris Hilton’s DUI case is another example. If you are to believe the reports, it can sometimes take only one drink to fail a Breathalyzer. This might be good information to know should you run into one of Beverly Hills’ festive Christmas roadblocks, designed to capture those driving “under the influence.” While we would never advocate drunk-driving, we are beginning to wonder what exactly constitutes “drunk” these days (and if the taxi lobby is somehow behind it…) We hear sugar and caffeine are addictive substances too - are they sufficiently "influential"?

If you argue loudly enough, you can find a public-safety justification for just about any law (no handheld cell phones in cars, anyone? Children under 12 must ride in the back seat? No smoking in PG-13 movies? We could go on…) And history shows that capricious states are willing to enforce laws that compromise individual freedom (the anti-contraceptive law which led to Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) and established the right-to-privacy doctrine.)

In tandem with this morning’s hearings about wire-tapping abroad, our privacy at home is worth scrutinizing too. It’s just funny that we have to hear about it through LaLohan.

Picture via and MSNBC

Monday, September 17, 2007

Elephant Talk added to

I've just added Deke Welch's ELEPHANT TALK, August 2007, as a .pdf file. There is some useful info in this edition on upcoming November elections. Don't miss! ET is a terrific addition to Danoodle. Thanks, Deke.

I've added a Campaign Directory to a new page at Danoodle - Election 08. Email me at if you have any additions to the Directory. I need to fill in the blanks.

Also, I've added a Fav Quotes page, where I'm parking the Julia Roberts "repugnant" quote...should never be forgotten or relegated to the wastebin.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who is in charge here? by Mark Hill, former Chairman and current member, Marin Republican Party

This recent article about the Marin County public union pension fund advisor and her cronies giving her an unprecedented 40% increase (ummmm...remember, when SHE retires that will be for lifetime benefits too !) is just mind boggling. Even with the increased scrutiny from County taxpayers, the press and lawsuits going against this unmitigated rip off of taxpayers, the union bosses have no shame. Who is in charge of the oversight here one should (and have) ask? Well, its kind of hard to tell from the quotes embedded in this article:
Pensions - Marin County style.

Who is in charge here? By Mark Hill, former Chairman and current member, Marin Republican Party. Blog posted Sunday, 9/16/07. This recent article about the Marin County public union pension fund advisor and her cronies giving her an unprecedented 40% increase (ummmm...remember, when SHE retires that will be for lifetime benefits too !) is just mind boggling. Even with the increased scrutiny from County taxpayers, the press and lawsuits going against this unmitigated rip off of taxpayers, the union bosses have no shame. Who is in charge of the oversight here one should (and have) ask? Well, its kind of hard to tell from the quotes embedded in this article:
MARIN IJ "Supervisor Charles McGlashan, a member of the retirement board, said it's time to look into setting up the pension system as an independent agency. ..."It just creates all kinds of morale problems," McGlashan said Wednesday, before the pension board met for two hours behind closed doors to discuss the issue. He noted that supervisors are being unfairly criticized for a raise that they did not set or have any say in setting. The pension board is made up largely of employees and retirees who benefit from the system they oversee. McGlashan and county Treasurer Michael Smith are the only representatives elected by taxpayers, who last year contributed more than $48 million."
Soooooo.....the County has an unfunded pension liability, (to be paid by Marin County taxpayers..who elected Charles McGlashan to represent them....) of over $700 million and growing and our Supervisor thinks there NOW might be a need for independent oversight? De facto, he is admitting he isn't independent...he's not, he is a public employee too .. owned lock stock and barrell by the Marin County public employee union bosses. Um are over to $700 million in give aways TOO LATE.
MARIN IJ "Pension board members refused to disclose any specifics about Wednesday's private session, but after the meeting Smith called the discussion "very tense."Board president Sandy White, a county employee, declined to comment.The pension board's attorney, Linda M. Balok, also declined to comment after the closed-door meeting called to discuss "potential litigation." "
No surprise here...these are all public employees and are part of the public employee UNIONS ...get it? They don't care about taxpayers....thats what our Supervisors should be doing. But they don't and won't unless the cost of doing nothing is higher (letting the Union bosses run things ) than doing something...thankfully we are about there. The public and Marin County taxpayers are outraged as they should be.
MARIN IJ "McGlashan, during a public part of the Civic Center meeting, advanced his proposal to end the longstanding relationship in which pension program workers are considered county employees, even though they are paid by a pension system that has a separate budget and board of directors.
That bureaucratic relationship led to Benner getting a twin set of raises. The pension board approved a three-year, 30 percent increase; also, supervisors approved three years of raises, totaling as much as 13 percent, for Benner and other county department heads.The raises put Benner on a pay pace to be one of the 10 highest-paid county workers. By 2009, her annual pay could hit $239,343. She is now paid $166,046 a year.McGlashan said supervisors were not aware of the pension board pay hike until it wound up on their agenda for their endorsement. He was not at the pension board meeting when it voted to approve the raise, but he has said he would have supported it."
Again, where was leadership here before? The union bosses are the tune of $700mm by gaming the system so there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY. All of our Supervisors look like a long game of Twister ...blaming everyone but the ones who are responsible: themselves. This game of nods and winks at taxpayer expense should be illegal if it isn't already....the jury is still out on that one in a lawsuit in Orange County against their Supervisors and Public Union Bosses !
MARIN IJ "Supervisor Hal Brown on Tuesday said the pension board should be asked to reconsider and "modify" Benner's pay increase.Supervisors have been told by their lawyers that they have no say over the raise approved by the pension board, but they don't like being politically "tagged" for voting to ratify it, McGlashan said. "
UMMM...where is President Truman when you need him? Where does "the buck stop" Mr. Brown and McGlashan? As I see it, the answer has been clear...the public employee union bosses.
MARIN IJ "He has not complained about the raise, just the bureaucratic process that places supervisors in a position of having to ratify a pay hike over which they have no say.Benner's raise has turned into a political hot potato. Three supervisors - McGlashan, Brown and Steve Kinsey - face re-election in June 2008.McGlashan said there is support among the supervisors to look into getting out of the business of ratifying hirings and wages for the pension board, which has nine other member agencies besides the county."
This is ridiculous.....the Supervisor's solution to the public union boss' $700 million rip off of the Marin County Taxpayers?? Simple: "Run and Hide." One can hardly ignore the fact that none of the Supervisors are openly challenging the unions ... even today !!
MARIN IJ "Benner and County Administrator Matthew Hymel met Tuesday to discuss the matter. Hymel has told supervisors that it would take state legislation to turn the pension system into an independent special district.Benner said San Bernardino County just went through a similar process for its public pension system.She said it appears to be a natural evolution for public pension programs in California."
The Public Employees Union is a STATEWIDE organization. Every county is going through this process because all of the County public employee unions are doing the same thing Statewide. Not only is it bankrupting Marin, but it HAS bankrupted San Diego, Ventura County and many others. There is no "natural evolution" here...this is a sophisticated gaming of our County and State governments by the Union bosses to take untold billions from State and County taxpayers at the expense of our schools, roads, environment and needy people.
MARIN IJ "In Marin, it is a process that began last year with County Counsel Patrick Faulkner's decision to step down as the pension board's lawyer, a job that his office had held for many decades.Faulkner said the pension board needed its own separate legal counsel as he couldn't represent both the county and the pension board if there was a dispute between the two."
Sorry for being slow, but wasn't Patrick Faulkner (oh yes...a public employee too) conflicted when he "ok'd" the very retirement benefits that are now bankrupting our County? He should have recused himself from the beginning. All agreements made with his sign off should all be re visited due to this conflict which he NOW readily admits to. Hello.... District Attorney is anybody home???

MARIN IJ "McGlashan said making the pension system an independent district would be similar to the Transportation Authority of Marin, on which the county has representation, but its board and management decisions are independent from the county.For years, retirement system workers have been considered county employees, even though they are paid by the pension system."

Let me get this straight, actually, forget it....there is no straight about it...I am cross eyed by it. Can't those that supposedly represent us, present taxpayers with a straight answer, accountability and oversight??? If not, why not? Answer: THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNION BOSSES and the Marin County Supervisors who are beholden to them.

MARIN IJ "McGlashan on Tuesday said it's time to consider "disconnecting the type of awkward oversight" role in which supervisors find themselves. The pension system should be "a completely independent body," he said. "
REALLY Mr. McGlashan? Well the question is where have you been? Welcome to the party. We are in the hole over $700mm already.
MARIN IJ "I don't understand why we have anything to do with this," Supervisor Susan Adams said. "This shouldn't even show up on our agendas."
Oh Ms. Adams - It is showing up on your agenda because the Unions set it up that way and with your and all of your colleagues' approvals, it has now cost this County over $700 mm in unfunded liabilities. To put it more bluntly, its your job.
MARIN IJ "Pension board member James Phillips said Wednesday there are no plans to change Benner's contract or to reduce the pay hikes she's been promised.He said the controversy started because the pension board did not confer with the county before it raised Benner's pay. He added that Benner's job is a unique position as it oversees a diversified portfolio that exceeds $1.5 billion."It's not similar to any other position in the county," he said.He praised Benner, who took over the pension's top job in 2005. "She very competent. She's very good. She's very smart," he said."
Well this is great oversight, one public union employee complementing another public union employee for giving away yet more taxpayer money. I remind all, that if this was a business, this "Company" of less than 5000 people would be over $1 billion in debt with not a hint of an idea (except increases) of how to pay it off.
MARIN IJ "Another board member, Allen Haim, said he was dismayed at moves to separate the pension program from the county."It's been a county family," said Haim, a former assistant county counsel who represents retirees on the pension board. "We're together, whether you separate us out or not.""

We are family???? The County has over 100,000 residents. These 3000 current employees (40% retiring in less than five years) and 2000 plus retirees, have taken their "family members" (that would be us) for over $700 mm. And like any bully, his last line wins its all: "We're together (aka "you are going to have to pay all this money we forced or tricked your Supervisors into paying us..$700mm) whether you separate us out or not". GOD HELP US.
I salute the Fourth Estate ... the Marin IJ ..... for their never ending and great coverage of this travesty. Cheers. mhSee "Pension chief in line for 44% pay raise" by Brad Breithaupt, Marin IJ, Monday, Aug. 27.

Hero of the Week - Michael O'Leary, Chief Exec, Ryanair

"This is the problem with all this environmental claptrap . . . it's a convenient excuse for politicians to just start taxing people. Some of these guilt-laden, middle-class liberals think it's somehow good: 'Oh, that's my contribution to the environment.' It's not. You're just being robbed--it's just highway [bleeping] robbery."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Are these CA voters moving to Nevada?

Back home in cool (55 last night) Marin, I at last have decent, FAST, always on Internet Access, unlike Palm Springs, Hollywood, and Santa Barbara. Could these places be that incredibly backward, or just that we stayed in the WRONG places?? And don't get me started on the spotty cell coverage in LA! Ok, here are the real numbers of CA voters lost, from Tom McClintock's Blog at - "...It’s true, we’ve lost 370,000 Republican voters since 2005. But those who tell us we must be more like the Democrats have forgotten the rest of the story: the Democrats have lost 485,000 voters in the same period. "The problem is, our voters are staying home and the Democrats are going to the polls. In the Republican stronghold of Orange County last year, voter turnout barely topped 50 percent. In the Democratic bastion of San Francisco, turnout was 60 percent and in Marin county it hit 73 percent..."

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Eagle Forum's Constitution Day Breakfast, Santa Rosa

CA Eagle Forum's Orlean Koehle has emailed an invitation for their upcoming Sept. 15 Event. See for downloadable registration form.

Marin Club brouhaha...continuing

Nan Paget, long time (20 years) editor of the Marin Club's (aka Marin Republican Women Federated, aka MRWF) Newsletter, was fired. Can Volunteers be fired?? Isn't the Novato Club (aka Novato Republican Women Federated, aka NRWF) doing something interesting? Ladies, please let me know. The Marin Club is hogging the headlines.

Hi from Santa Barbara

After 3 days in LA, we came up to Santa Barbara to visit with husband Fred's mom, who is 98, and recognizes Fred occasionally. She deserves "Best Mother-In-Law" award for her uncritical and non-interfering personality. And she has hardly any wrinkles, and a gorgeous head of thick, gray hair. Is it the Nebraska water, where she lived for 50+ years? Considering Palm Springs was 105, and LA was in 90's, it's lovely here in Santa Barbara at 74. However, a bit too laid back for my taste.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 3. I love Tom McClintock

If only Sen. McClintock were Guv! In his address to the CRP Convention in the General Meeting on Sunday, he rebuked Schwarzenegger's global warming and socialized medicine issues, and he rebuked Schwarzenegger's rebuke of the CA Repub Party, (that we must move leftward if we are to prevail in CA).

I love Tom because he always brings up some interesting tidbits in his speeches, ie, CA Repubs have lost 325,000 voters - always heard and repeated; never heard, the Dems have lost 450,000 voters!! (approx. numbers as best as I can remember with my caffeine-deprived brain). Are 750,000 people leaving the Golden State because it is no longer golden?? Schwarzenegger & Co. say Repubs are losing CA because the CRP isn't reinventing its' core beliefs, like he has done.
I love Tom because he is such a staunch conservative, never waivering in his beliefs, and ALWAYS presenting cogent arguments to back up his words.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Conventions for Dummies" book needed

Memo to CRP Chairman Ron Nehring: Can you please provide a Dummies guide to help us navigate this convention with some aplomb? It's important that we at least LOOK like we know all the lingo, procedures, and rules of this political ritual. Who knew that a CRP-elected Committeeman was a paid lobbyist to the RNC in DC??! We need help in navigating the meetings, parties (aka hospitality suites), and the foggy land of convention-ese. PS: Providing Alka-Seltzer in our Convention packets would be a loving thing.

Day 3. MIA: Rudy, Mitt, Fred, Mike, et al

Where are you? You want Republican money and grassroots support; being no-shows will help you how? Except for John McCain, and Duncan Hunter, none of the Republican presidential candidates came to the largest state Republican Party's party. Feb. 5 is coming up fast. Next CRP Convention is Feb. 22. Go figure.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Day 2 at the Games

OK, so we didn't make it to the Aerial Tram yesterday; ok, so we didn't make it to the Guv's dinner last night (and from what I've read & heard, glad we didn't!). We didn't make it past the Renaissance Atrium (as pictured). For Convention details, Jon Fleischman's Flash Report is terrific for you wonks out there.

I'm off to a media seminar put on by the CRP. I'm skipping McCain lunch today. I can't bear to hear the guy who took some of our free speech away with McCain-Feingold (much less pay $). My heart is not in it.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Rats, not Fats

(Or: Critters in the Kitchen, Elephant in the Room)

Hello from Danoodle’s New York Correspondent Gillian, here to report on all things political in America’s First Third-World City™.

Just in case you think that Bay Area politics don’t affect the rest of the country, ponder this: the strangely influential anti-trans fat lobby convinced Tiburon to become the first trans-fat-free city in the country. Last spring, our "Republican" Mayor Michael Bloomberg made New York the second. And the story is an excellent example of how arbitrary special-interest regulation can distract from the real issues of government.

The same week Bloomberg and the city council rendered our McDonald’s french fries inedible (have you tried french fries not marinated in artery-clogging trans fat?), footage aired on local news channels of another threat to health and hygiene: rats roaming free in broad daylight in a KFC/TacoBell right around the corner from my Greenwich Village apartment.

This prompted many New Yorkers to question the mayor’s health priorities. And thanks to this “shocking” footage, the city’s long-dormant health inspection department has finally come to life again, closing down restaurants left and right. Even now, many storefronts across the city exhibit the yellow notice of shame.

The rodent problem has always been an open secret in New York, where piles of garbage and mice are a regular feature of the morning walk to the subway. Even the best of restaurants (such as Danoodle’s beloved CafĂ© Del Mar) occasionally have local wildlife scurrying across the floor and scaring patrons. But while the sporadic mouse in a dining area is one thing, rats in the kitchen are quite another. The fashionable Da Silvano restaurant (also around the corner - they're closing in and I'm setting traps!) was recently caught with rats in the kitchen, and the problem runs the gamut from that sketchy all-night pizza place to the supposedly exclusive Waverly Inn (where I once witnessed a mouse crawl out of the ivy wall and onto my friend’s shoulder).

Here at Danoodle's NY HQ, we advocate the adoption of an LA-style restaurant grading system, where even the Four Seasons restaurant has to prominently display the Health Inspector's "A" (albeit in a lovely gilded frame). And we propose that before local governments regulate weakly-researched lifestyle issues like the danger of trans fat, they should address the very real, very obvious rat in the room.

Let the Games Begin

Indian Wells is HOT (103 today)! But it is lovely seeing so many Republicans under one roof. Some familiar faces, but mostly not. It has been a few years since I've attended a Republican Convention. Lots of info kiosks offering literature - Rudy, Mitt, John Mc. (McCain is guest speaker at Saturday's lunch), and other info tables, which I will peruse later.

There will be five Republican governors at this convention: CA Arnold Schwarzenegger; FL Charlie Crist, TX Rick Perry. MN Tim Pawlenty, UT Jon Huntsman, Jr.

Re our Marin Central Committee members, there are Morgan Kelley, Carolyn Patrick, Tom Montgomery, and moi. I'm carrying proxies for Mark Hill and Susan Miller. Luis Buehler, Bay Area Rep, is carrying a proxy for Andrew Felder and John Fox.

Just ran into Morgan in Lobby, who says that John Fox and Alice Vipiana have resigned from the Marin Central Committee. Leaves quite a few more openings on Marin's Committee.
On to the Palm Springs Aerial Tram for me and my sidekick, husband Fred, for sightseeing! Supposed to be 72 degrees at the top of the mountain...hmmm, 103 or 72? How will I spend the afternoon?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Marin girl makes good

Not necessarily Republican news, but we must keep you informed of ALL happenings. Cati Campbell, daughter of Sue, is an actress. She has been featured in a national campaign for Head & Shoulders Shampoo, which means not only exposure, but...residuals! Yeah, Cati! Click on Then click "watch the tv", then click on "Channel 2" - Cati is in the pink sweater.
Her parents are super-proud. So is Danoodle.

Congrats to Barbara Howey on DaNoodle

DaNoodle is here and I salute Barbara Howey, a wife, mother and Republican leader in Marin County, for stepping up to provide the Bay Area with a kinder, softer, more gentle view of Republicans and how we think.
Barb is typical of most Republican women: she is a mother (her daughter is now back at NYU), an active volunteer, highly educated and has held executive positions in the working world: in political speak she is a "soccer mom." Soccer moms are critical to the Republican Party...they weigh in heavily at dinner tables every evening with their spouses and/or children. Soccer moms voice (sometimes loudly!) concerns about safety for their children, security of our country, the quality of public education and public facilities (school bond measures in Marin County do not lose very often), about traffic and the environment...typical things that today drive most "politics" on both sides of the political spectrum.
The art of politics in a democratic society is to get people to side with you....majority rules. At the local and state levels, Democrats of late, particularly Bay Area Democrats, have done a good job of co-opting the political process by identifying and catering to the three pillars of self interest who, if they can all continue to cooperate, will enjoy the "far leaning Left tilt" and richly deserved political "whacko" status given the Bay Area by pundits throughout the country. The "three pillars" of self interest are: the public employee unions (who vote for their bosses enmass via elections which translates to million dollar lifetime pension and medical benefits and is now bankrupting the state and numerous counties...including Marin), the environmentalists (currently camping out in oak trees and playing bongo drums at UC Berkeley's Memorial Coliseum) and the bicyclists, who feel its just fine break multitudes of laws on the books to shut down the City of San Francisco every other week by taking "rides to nowhere" and causing nightmarish traffic jams for people who are trying to get home to their families. (Another or fourth Pillar would be the gay/lesbian/transgender community, however, their impact within the Bay Area is centered primarily in San Francisco.) However, the result is still the same: these "pillars of self interest," when colluding and acting collectively, have damaged our democracy. Their singular issue focus, at the expense of all other issues, their collective power has led policy makers and pandering politicians to perform unnatural acts.
Examples of this "laws made by our democracy don't apply to me" are everywhere: SF Mayor Gavin Newsom breaking federal law by claiming San Francisco will "recognize gay marriages" with the federal courts coming back and saying....."ahem...Gavin thats not how it works." and nullifying all the ceremonies that occurred. Remember Gavin... the pyramid of the judicial system is local, county, state and federal.....not the other way around. When you are President..God help us.... THEN you get to make grandioso gestures like that...good luck.
Or how about the public employee unions claiming that they and their members should be invisible to taxpayers as it relates to how much their members make in wages, salaries, overtime, vacation, retirement, medical benefits or even hours worked? Their rationale, drunk like kool aid by our own Marin County Supervisors, was equally pathetic....ummm... "we shouldn't release this information because telemarketers will know how much we make and may try to sell us stuff." Are you kidding me?
It took years in court, but again the judicial system saved me from jumping off a bridge in disgust in a unanimous decision saying in effect: "public union bosses are not in charge here....taxpayers us the names and the payouts." So now the fun begins.... Marin county taxpayers will witness first hand just how rich many of these (tongue in cheek here) "public servants" are...can you say "millionaires" ....because the press can now show us. And with that information out, our Marin County Supervisors should do us all a favor....$700mm in unfunded liabilities later....and think about retiring too.
The bicyclists are a unique breed....hybrids of jocks and jocketts mixed with a healthier dose of radical arrogance "me, me, me, I, I, I" lifestyles and environmentalism. Their "dream" is a carless society and in their is. We have all seen the rage of a bicyclist who simply won't acknowlege the fact that five cars are trying to get by her on a windy road over Mount Tam. Of all the special interests, I have the most in common with the bicyclists.... however, I would stop at "build me bicycle lanes along side of your car lanes and I won't be so obnoxious".
So back to Barb and all the great moms in the County. How do we help get their voices to be heard over the three pillars of self interest above? The soccer mom's interests aren't about "million dollar taxpayer funded payouts", or Prius cars or bicycle lanes...its about their kids, families, safety, transportation, education and community. I have some ideas, have tried to implement some myself but remain amazed at the power of the three pillars. One thing I do know...I wouldn't bet against Barb and those like her. Fiesty bunch those soccer moms.

Marin Club brouhaha

I've extricated myself from a brou-ha-ha at the Marin Club. I was appointed to their Nominating Committee whereupon I reviewed the Club's Bylaws, which said that the Nominating Committee should be "elected" and that the current Board members should serve no more than 2 terms. If the current Board is reelected in November, they will start their 3rd term. What good are bylaws if they aren't being followed? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. And if the bylaws need to be changed, when? I do understand that a good Board is hard to recruit, and there is a tendency to keep the same Board when volunteers aren't beating a path to the Club's door to do all the work that the Club takes on. But, the Bylaws should have been worked on and revised after the Board was sworn in last November. To wait this long is not good Parliamentary procedure, I would think. Since I have resigned from the Nominating Committee, I have no dog in this hunt. However, I'm buying a copy of "Roberts Rules of Order for Dummies" tomorrow, just for the heck of it!

My First Blog

Hi Bay Area Republicans. I am attending the CA Republican Party Convention this weekend, so hope to blog from there. Stay tuned.
FYI, my name is Barbara Howey, and I'm Chief Danoodler. It's not all Or, is it? Perhaps, but I want to cover all things Republican on this blog, as well as other stuff (Marin, news, gossip, events) as the mood strikes. I will also have Guest Danoodlers (Bloggers, and Contributors).

I want to change the perception of Republicans - square, uptight, un-cool, but I can't change their honesty, forthrightness, steadfastness, generosity, patriotism, and their exceptional brainpower! Over the years, I've found Republicans to be extremely, to-the-max, informed on local and national issues, which is definitely more than I can say for some Democrats in Marin!
We are outnumbered in Marin and San Francisco, but we Republicans will keep plugging away, trying to ignore snide remarks, insults, and downright deranged thinking of Dems in Bay Area.
So relax, and enjoy the Danoodle Blog. I welcome your feedback.
Howey Bio
Barbara Howey is serving her fourth term on the Marin Republican Central Committee representing the 1st District, San Rafael and Terra Linda. She was first elected to the Committee in 2000. She was the Committee's Communications Chair/Webmaster, from March 2003 - May 2007.
Barbara attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and George Washington University, Washington, D.C. She joined the Foreign Service in 1969 as a Secretary, and was immediately sent to Vienna, Austria, for 2 years. She returned to the State Department, Washington, D.C., and the Council on Foreign Policy. From 1973-75 she worked on the Executive Staff of Dr. Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State, where she traveled widely and often on Dr. Kissinger's "shuttle diplomacy" trips to the Middle East, Europe, and the Far East.

Upon moving to the Bay Area in 1975, Barbara worked for the Social Security Administration; PBS's national television show OVER EASY with Hugh Downs and Mary Martin; and for the Levi Strauss Tourage clothing line in San Francisco.

Barbara was a conservative Democrat until 1992. After seeing what was going on in Education after her daughter entered school, she came to her senses and re-registered as a Republican that year. Her husband, a life-long Republican, was very happy!

Barbara began her Bay Area political activities in 1996 when she founded a conservative speaker's group, United Conservatives of Marin. She left UCOM in 1998 to manage Republican Russ Weiner's campaign for California State Assembly, Sixth District.

In 1999 Barbara co-founded Howey-Moi Associates, a public relations firm that represented Bay Area Republicans and national conservative organizations.

She is currently an empty-nester. She is a member of the Nob Hill Republican Women Federated, Marin Republican Women Federated, Novato Republican Women Federated, and has volunteered for various Republican activities for the past 9 years.
Barbara launched on July 31, 2007.