If only Sen. McClintock were Guv! In his address to the CRP Convention in the General Meeting on Sunday, he rebuked Schwarzenegger's global warming and socialized medicine issues, and he rebuked Schwarzenegger's rebuke of the CA Repub Party, (that we must move leftward if we are to prevail in CA).
I love Tom because he always brings up some interesting tidbits in his speeches, ie, CA Repubs have lost 325,000 voters - always heard and repeated; never heard, the Dems have lost 450,000 voters!! (approx. numbers as best as I can remember with my caffeine-deprived brain). Are 750,000 people leaving the Golden State because it is no longer golden?? Schwarzenegger & Co. say Repubs are losing CA because the CRP isn't reinventing its' core beliefs, like he has done.
I love Tom because he always brings up some interesting tidbits in his speeches, ie, CA Repubs have lost 325,000 voters - always heard and repeated; never heard, the Dems have lost 450,000 voters!! (approx. numbers as best as I can remember with my caffeine-deprived brain). Are 750,000 people leaving the Golden State because it is no longer golden?? Schwarzenegger & Co. say Repubs are losing CA because the CRP isn't reinventing its' core beliefs, like he has done.
I love Tom because he is such a staunch conservative, never waivering in his beliefs, and ALWAYS presenting cogent arguments to back up his words.